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Etaples and the IBD's


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I've just begun to consider researching the 34 IBD at Etaples (I assume for the moment), during 1917. The PRO have supplied general information regarding documentation and photographs about Etaples, though I was surprised how little, and I was hoping if any experts on Etaples could help with a few starter questions:

Were the IBD's considered units in their own right? i.e. would they have had a set of war diaries or a recognisable administrative structure within that of Etaples

Does anyone have a map - sketched or otherwise of the camp, with IBD's marked out?

Are there any good source books that a pal could recommend that would cover Etaples - In broad terms I suppose my interest here could also spread to the journey from the UK over to France that a recruit might experience.

Apart from that, I would been keen to pick the brains of any expert on Etaples or the route from training to France.

Any help starting me off on this area of research would be greatly appreciated - as you can see, these are very broad questions for present.



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I can suggest a couple of references at Kew which would get you started:

WO 106/1477 Historical War Records Etaples (has a very good map showing the layout of the IBDs)

WO 95/4026, 4027 War Diary of Base Commandant Etaples. This shows arrivals of IBDs. 34 IBD arrived Jan 1916.

Charles M

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thanks for this - especially the 34 IBD arrival date - it's the same month as my soldier arrived, so this is a good start without even looking!


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As it turns out, you've helped me answer a question from further down the timeline in my research with this map - by the looks of the letters, according to a different thread, this is from later in the war (ie 1917) - and there is 24 General Hospital - where my soldier ended up in July of that year. I knew it was thereabouts, but the map brings the story to life a little more - thanks for this :D


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Stourbridge - nice place - my daughter used to live there, over a shop in the main street.

Doogal - I sent some other forum members this map by email, at a much bigger resolution, and you can see some pencilled notes which aren't so visible on the one I linked to. For example there are notes like "1st Australian," "Canadian GBD" and so on.

I can't scan it for you as the scanner is bust, but some readers might remember me sending them a high-resolution copy and might still have it. Perhaps they could send it on to you if if would help you. Failing that, PM me a postal address and I'll blow it up on the photocopier and post you a copy.


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Once again I can suggest, for those with a bit of time on their hands, that a browse through the War Diaries of Canadian units at Etaples might be informative. Units there in 1917 included Canadian Infantry Base Depots 1,2,3, and 4, Canadian General Base Depot, and Canadian General Hospitals 1 and 7.

Unfortunately, these diaries may not mention the units you are actually interested in, but the browse is free and you can get some information common to all units at Etaples at that time.

As an example, here are a few snippets:

"No.1 Canadian Infantry Base Depot


June 1st, 1917

. . .

At 11.00 a.m., a hostile aeroplane of the Taube type was seen hovering

over the camp. The Base Defence Artillery shelled it heavily while it

was at an altitude of 3.000 ft. above the earth, and forced to descend

within 500 ft. of the lowest level of the camp. No enemy bombs were discharged

from the machine, so far as can be ascertained, and no casualties occurred

in this depot. The moral of the Troops was the reverse of deteriorating.

. . .

June 2nd,1917

. . .

Considerable difficulty has been experienced with the promiscuous

vendors of edibles. These vendors are imbued with the one desire to foil the

military police, and enter the Camp without authority for the purpose of bartering with the Troops. This illigitimate practice has been surpressed by zealous ardour of

the Military Police."

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Hi Tom,

Thanks for the kind offer with the map. For the moment, I'm OK with what you've posted, and can put it through Photoshop if necessary.

Hi jhill,

thanks for this - would the Canadian diaries be available online?



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