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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

East, West An Irish Doctor's Memories


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picked this 1955 book up on ebay and have to say it's a strange mix of detail/lack of detail.

The author was born in London of Irish parents who lived in Chilham, Kent for much of his young life. Studied at Charing Cross and played rugby for London Irish.

Some family details in great detail but he omits to name his father or 3 sisters. Brother Redmond killed with the Canadian army at Vimy in 1917 is Capt Henry Edward Redmond Hamilton. Mentioned that his father's brother emigrated to Australia after adventures in the US and believes that one of the sons won a VC at Gallipoli. The genealogy of John Patrick Hamilton VC doesn't match the author's family so he appears to be off target there.

Embarked for France on 13th Aug 1914 with No 1 General Hospital. Later posted as MO to "an infantry battalion" earning a DSO. Sailed to Egypt; supposed to be going to Gallipoli but sent to Macedonia instead and stayed there for the duration. Tells the story of an enemy airplane being brought down by "aminol" packed in an observation balloon being exploded by Royal Engineers in the village of Orljak.

Spent 1919 in South Russia with Denikin's white Russians where he met his wife, Helen Lewis, a lady of English stock who served as a nurse with the Russian army.

Off to India with the RAMC after the war before settling into life as a GP in the tea plantations of Assam.

WW2, off to war again. Dunkirk. Later transferred to India including a stint as the chief MO at Yol POW camp. Post WW2, the Indian transition is discussed before he settles for retirement in Dublin.

Some good stuff but so many bits where more detail would have been useful.

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