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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

To End All Wars, by Adam Hochschild....

phil andrade

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This, it would appear, is a rather polemical book about dissent, written by a dissenter.

Since I haven't yet bought it, let alone read it, I was hoping to get some feedback from forumites.

A review by Andrew Motion in the Guardian - and one or two comments on Amazon - suggest that this work will be anathema to Hiag supporters.

Phil (PJA)

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There's an hour long interview available to listen to here. Scroll down to 6th May.

Unfortunately the volume, when I tried to listen to it on my laptop, was too quiet but hopefully I will find the time to try again on a different set up later today.



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That was a delightful interview, beautifully delivered and very compelling. He is indeed a most eloquent commentator.

I profoundly disagree with some of what he says.

Many thanks to you for providing the link.

Phil (PJA)

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  • 3 years later...

I'm about a third of the way through this book. So far I've learned to dislike Emmeline Pankhurst, and to be revolted by the Boer War (which I need to read more about).

Basically the thing is a fascinating character study of a few folks. I can see people not liking it for it's pro-dissenter feelings, but it's definitely up up my ally. It still reads like it fully blames Germany and the rest for making the slide to war unstoppable.

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I am on page 107, I have had this book for some time but I am a slow reader and I also seem to have more than one book on the go at the same time.

I am getting on well enough with the book and similarly to Lucy there are things I have learned about the Pankhurst family, for example, that I had not known before.

Certainly this book is based on and written from the perspective of the peace movement, yes dissenters if you wish the term, but I think it only fair to look at all aspects, even if some may differ to from our own established thoughts and viewpoint, to be able to come to and perhaps form, a reasoned and balanced opinion.

I am a supporter of Haig but that does not lead me to condemn many of the actions taken by his sister Charlotte Despard in loudly and very publicly condemning and opposing every war her country fought including the one her brother was to become Commander in Chief of the BEF in.



Edited by fellop
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