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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

9th Lancers


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This is the regimental memorial of the 9th Lancers, in the cloisters of Canterbury Cathedral.

It lists those killed or missing, presumed dead, from the Great War.

For some reason although the image is the right way up on Photobucket it persists in being wrongly oriented on here.

Till I get it sorted out please view while standing on the wall to your left.


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While doing some research in the cathedral archives a few days ago I spent some time looking at the Chapter Act Books for the period 1910 - 1930. Those books are the records of the meetings and decisions of the Dean & Chapter. I came across a number of entries relating to the above memorial to the 9th Lancers, and it gives an interesting insight into the way these memorials came to be placed in cathedrals.

Here are some extracts:

31st May 1920 The Dean reported that he had had an informal letter from the Officer COmmanding the 9th Lancers asking for permission to place a memorial in the cathedral. It was agreed that if a formal request were to be made by "the regimental authorities it would be favourably considered".

26th September 1919 Letter received from the OC 9th Lancers asking for space for a memorial. Agreed, but not in the nave of the cathedral as insufficient space for a memorial with a total of 248 names on it.

25th October 1919. A letter from the OC 9th Lancers was read, accepting the suggestion of placing a memorial elsewhere.

15th November 1919 The Dean reported that he had had a meeting with the OC 9th Lancers and two other officers. He had been shown photos of the kind of memorial they wanted and that they were again asking for a position in the nave. A decision was postponed.

27th December 1919 The Dean reported progress re proposed monuments. (No details given)

30th April 1920 Sketches for the proposed memorial were shown. It was decided to ask to see a sample of the material the memorial would be made from.

15th May 1920 A sketch of the proposed 9th Lancers Memorial was presented, together with a letter regarding exact position and amount of space to be allocated. The Dean reported that to fit 8,000 names would fill one entire side of the cloister. (Sounds to me as though they were trying to move from a memorial to those killed to a memorial which also listed all those who served, but no details given in the records.) It was agreed to suggest that the 8,000 names be recorded on vellum and placed in the Warriors Chapel. Decision postponed.

That's a selection - it shows that getting a memorial placed was not at all simple. There were many requests for permission to place a memorial in the cathedral, and many were refused. As an example of this, the Chapter Act Book shows that on 29th September 1917 a Colonel Mackeson wrote asking for a memorial to his 19 year old son who had been killed just six weeks earlier, on the grounds that he was related to an officer to whom there already was a memorial in the cathedral. The request was declined.

Name:MACKESON, CHRISTOPHERInitials:CNationality:United KingdomRank:Second Lieutenant (and Adjt.)Regiment/Service:Rifle BrigadeUnit Text:2nd Bn.Age:19Date of Death:16/08/1917Awards:Mentioned in DespatchesAdditional information:Son of Lt. Col. J. and Mrs. Mackeson, of Hodnet, Salop.Casualty Type:Commonwealth War DeadGrave/Memorial Reference:I. AA. 12.Cemetery:BRANDHOEK NEW MILITARY CEMETERY

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Just in case any of you are going to be in south east England this coming Sunday - 4th September.....

Annual Memorial Service for the 9th/12th Lancers in Canterbury Cathedral around lunchtime. Part of the ceremony will be conducted in the cloisters at the memorial itself, pictured above.

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