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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Fort Barchon


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On this day in 1914 the first fort of the Liège position fell. It had survived the 'handstreich' but gave up after a bombardment by German 21 cm artillery

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On this day in 1914 the first fort of the Liège position fell. It had survived the 'handstreich' but gave up after a bombardment by German 21 cm artillery

Yes, interesting. Researching the Handsreich, or "sudden attack", and von Moltke's thoughts on it; in 1911 he correctly assumed that the suddenly attacking German forces would probably be able to manuver between the forts and capture Liege itself, but then he made the incorrect assumption that if the Germans captured the central city the 12 surrounding forts would somehow suddenly fall without much effort. The capture of the central city was a serious problem for the forts, as each fort had a single underground phone line into the city and a central phone exchange, but no lateral lines to the other forts, but the forts themselves certainly did not surrender without effort, despite being largely cut off from the Belgian command and each other. It is hard to understand why he assumed that. The first forces only brought two batteries of 21 cm howitzers (if memory serves). The forts only began falling in ernest when the 30.5 cm and 42 cm guns could be brought up.

My writing partner and I am now actually writing our section on Liege. Carl has been a great help with this effort, thank you.


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