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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

16th Bn Middlesex Regt.


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Hi pals

Can anyone tell me, from history or war diaries, where this Battalion was engaged on 31 May 1917 when one of my Buxton lads was k.i.a.

:poppy: L/Cpl. G/17567 Arthur Phillips (son of John T. (Railway coachman) and Emma Phillips of 1 Alma Square, Fairfield, Buxton.)

Thanks, as ever, for your help


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On 28th & 29th the Battalion took over Hill and Dale Trenches in front of Infantry Hill. On 30th, in conjuction with 1st LF and 8th East Lancs, 11 Officers and 230 OR's of the Battalion attacked Hook Trench. There was some initial success but a counter-attack drove them out with the exception of 2 Officers and about 30 men of the 16th Middx. who held out until about midday on 31st before being forced to surrender. The Battalion lost 8 Officers (1 killed, 3 wounded, 2 missing and 2 believed prisoners of war) and nearly all OR's killed, wounded or missing in the affair

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