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Major Cecil Pryce Harrison

Guest pontlarge

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Guest pontlarge

I am researching a man known only as "Pryce Harrison".

He raced in the 1907 and 1908 French Grand Prix.

Major Cecil Pryce Harrison seems to fit the bill, but can anyone confirm either way?

Many thanks,


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I thought this name rang a bell,we have had a bit about the Major here before. I remember doing a look at his Army file and have some pics somewhere. The topic here the last time was number 136095,if you can find it. Not sure if it will confirm any racing car action !

This man was,I think, born around 1880.


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Looking back on my notes for the file for this Officer,WO374/31358,from my visit to Kew in Nov 2009 (!) I see that there is mention of obituaries to him on his death in 1938.Both are in Northern Ireland newspapers,"County Down Observer" and "Newtonwards Chronicle".If you can get a look at those you may see if it mentions car racing as one of his accomplishments. If you are interested enough to want pics from the file I have four about his army career,and will need an e-mail by Personal Message here,but you have to make 5 posts before you can do that.


My pic refs 241109/0073-76.

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Cecil Pryce Harrison does seem a good candidate. Frustratingly, the racing driver is named only as "Pryce Harrison" anywhere I can find, even in his friend's anecdote! The "old friend" was John Moore-Brabazon, 1st Baron Brabazon of Tara who was born in 1884, if that's a clue (Cecil Pryce Harrison was born in 1881 so reasonable).

Usually, with double-barrelled names, the actual surname seems to be last name and all the children are given the other name as a last middle name. Occasionally. one of them will then change it by deed poll to the double-barrelled version. In Cecil's case, he is the only member of the family with Pryce as a middle name although he may have used it as an affectation.

Some other candidates on Ancestry;

Arthur Howarth Pryce Harrison (born 1871, and ended up as Archbishop of Canterbury but you never know)

Robert Pryce Harrison (born 1886)

There are plenty of Pryce Harrisons (Pryce being their first name) but i'm sure it's a double-barrelled surname)

Yours seems favourite. Someone who takes part, just for fun, in an event where drivers were killed regularly would seem likely to excel on the battlefield. An RFC man wouldn't have surprised me either.

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After the war, Major Pryce Harrison and his wife seem to have spent a lot of time at Palm Beach, schmoozing with Joe Kennedy, Cecil Beaton, Herbert Pulitzer etc.

It would be good to prove a connection with co-drivers Weigel and Laxen. Old pal Brabazon was driving for Austin in the same race.

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There are a couple of entries in the Times in 1911 of "Pryce Harrison" marrying Miss Lettice Cholmondeley, daughter of the Marquis and Marchioness Cholmondeley, of Cholmondeley Castle, Malpas, Cheshire, at St Margaret's Westminster on 20-4-1911.

"Pryce Harrison" is described as the son of the late Colonel R T Harrison and Mrs Harrison of Caerhowell, Montgomeryshire.

The groom is later described as Cecil Pryce Harrison in 1922 upon their divorce on the grounds of his desertion of her. The couple lived at Bury Green Hosue, Cheshunt up until 1921.


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  • 8 months later...

Well this is interesting I have the man's medals DSO,MC QSA 4 bars 15 trio and mid ....you mentioned be was called pryce Harrison his makes sense as he did marry the Marquis daughter as pryce Harrison but was most definataly Cecil pryce Harrison. You mentioned he spend time with Joe Kennedy etc where did you get this info from ...I just restarted my research again from 3 years ago as things do change on the internet Thanks

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I think it was from American society pages which appeared on a Google News archive search for "Pryce Harrison".

Speaking of changes on the internet, you'll find about 150 results for "Pryce Harrison" on the British Newspaper Archive website.

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks that will give me somewhere to start i want a picture of the man

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  • 1 year later...

bump trying to get apicture of this man have few of his wife and children but not him

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