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2/4 queens royal west surreys

andy 1

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can anybody give me any info on the 2/4 queens 1914-18.

or point me anywhere online that i could gather any info on the 2/4 queens 1914-18



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thanks for the reply hmsk

as you have probably gathered i am new to this,and a bit confused.

i looked where you said and am even more confused.

does this mean the 2/4 queens where a territorial battalion and did they go to gallipoli.

a very confused

andy 1

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The Queen's (Royal West Surrey Regiment)

2/4th Battalion Territorial Force

Formed Croydon in August 1914

Nov 1914 to Windsor in 2nd Surrey Brigade, 2nd Home Counties Division

24/04/1915 to 160th Brigade, 53rd Division at Cambridge

(Joined 53rd Division as a composite battalion with the 2/5th Queen's but became 2/4th Battalion again after 2 months)

18/07/1915 sailed form Devonport

09/08/1915 landed at Gallipoli

13-19/12/1915 to Egypt

18-22/06/1918 Alexandria to Taranto

29/06/1918 to 101st Brigade 34th Division at Proven

11/11/1918 101st Brigade 34th Division Belgium, near Courtrai


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At Gallipoli

Total casualties for 2/4th Queen's

Killed in Action, Died of Wounds or Missing 4 Officers & 78 Other Ranks

Wounded 9 Officers & 198 Other Ranks

Died of Disease 4 Other Ranks

Invalided by Disease 16 Officers & 400 Other Ranks


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thanks steve.

just one more if i may.

does this mean that in 1916 1917 they where in egypt.

its just that sometime during the war my grandfathers brother was transferred out of the lincolns to the queens 2/4 transport section i think.and i wondered what the queens where up to.

from earlier posts on this site i was told he could have transferred into the queens about june 1916.



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The battalion formed part of the 160th Infantry Brigade and took part in the First attack on Gaza on 26th March 1917, when the brigade attacked turkish positions south of the town in a bloody assault that ultimately came to nowt. They also took part in the second attack on gaza the next month, which was also unsuccessful.

After a summer manning the front line, the Brigade shifted east towards Beersheba in late October when they provided support to the attack on that town at the end of that month. In the early days of November the Brigade saw some tough action in the hills around El Khulweilfe, before advancing up to Bethlehem and Jerusalem, taking part in the defence against a turkish counter attack early in 1918.

They wre shifted out of the theatre before Allenby's famed Megiddo campaign in 1918.

Exactly what role the 2/4 RWS played in these actions I don’t know. But the war diaries may be available to help further.


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  • 1 month later...

Hi Andy

I know this topic has been dormant for a while but I've just come across it. I have a copy of the history of the 4th Battalion published in 1931. There are a couple of chapters on the 2/4th. Has a few photographs and good narrative on all their actions in the Middle East. If I can be of any use drop me a line


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  • 4 weeks later...


It'd be very interesting to read a little something. I've sent you an e-mail off list but wonder if we can tempt you into posting a snippet?


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Hi Nick

I have the e mail and will happily oblige. Any particular period??


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