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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

William John Trace


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I am currently doing our family tree and am trying to find out which regiment William John Trace, who was my maternal grandfather, served in and what the information on his medals stands for. I would be grateful for any information anyone can give me in order to further this search.

On his two medals are the following: T390422 DVR WJTrace ASO on one and ASC on the other.

So far I have read that DVR stand for driver! If so this would be odd as my grandfather never drove in civilian life! If you know another meaning for DVR please could you let me know.

Then I read that ASC means Army Service Corps - how do I find out more about this?

On the other medal was ASO which I read means Area SEarchlight Officer (anyone know where I can find out more information on this?).

Also, how can I find out what regiment he was with and where he served?

He was from Tredegar, South Wales and I know he was in Palestine and Jerusalem but dont know much more than that as he would never discuss it.

Look forward to hearing from anyone who may be able to help.


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Hello Sue

Welcome to the forum.

Your grandfather need never have driven a vehicle, for he was in fact the driver of a team of horses in the Army Service Corps.

There is quite a lot of info on the ASC on my website, and this page would not be a bad place to begin.

The ASO is almost certainly incorrect, and it is either en error in engraving, or perhps a bit of wear. Both medals should be marked ASC.

When you are on my site, go to the home page and then look at "Grandad's war". It will tell you a lot more about what else you can do to findout about his service.

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Many thanks for this information Chris. It certainly helps. I have also now found out that he was in France when he first joined and sailed from Marseille to Egypt. He was one of the first into Jerusalem (I have the poster which he was told to take down when they first went in - it is either in Turkish or Arabic we have yet to get it translated). He sailed home from Alexandria 1918/1919.

Thanks once again for your prompt reply.


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