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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

1/12th Bn London Reg, The Rangers


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Hello to All,

Could someone please advise me? I understand that their were four battles during the second battle of Ypres. The battle I am interest in, was The Battle of St Julian, from April 22nd to May 4th 1915, involving the 84th Brigade, 28th Division, To include 1/12th Bn The London Regiment, ( The Rangers ).

It’s the 12th Bn and the part they played, that I am interested in. I seem to be going around in circles.

Thank you,


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Hello Bill,

I would like to know where the 28th division was on, Sunday 25th of April 1915. They were involved in a battle that started on 24th April, and ended 4th may. I have infomation on the 50th Division during that same time, but cannot find anything on the 28th Division. I am trying to find out where the following Soldier fell.

2982 Pte. C. Sumpton, 12th Bn., London Regiment - The Rangers

Charles Sumpton from Ealing, London, killed in action France & Flanders 25th April 1915. He has no known grave and is commemorated on the Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial, Belgium.

Thank you


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The Rangers moved up from a bivouac near Verlorenhoek to a position SE of St Juliaan between Hindu Cottage and Schuler Farm, just north of the Ypres-Wieltje-Paschendaele Road and just to the east of where the Langemark-Zonnebeke Road crosses it. They were there from late on the 24th April until relieved on the 26th April and had moved up to take the place of Canadian units much affected by gas. They came under heavy artillery and machine gun fire losing 18 OR killed and 3 officers (inc. the CO, Lt Col A D Bayliffe) and 38 OR wounded.

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Hello Bill,

Thanks very much, Thats just the infomation i have been searching for. I have this young soldiers victory medal, and intend to go back to Ypres this year and look for him on the Menin gate, I would also like to visit the area where he fell and leave a Tribute to him and his comrades.

Once again Thank you for this infomation


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  • 1 month later...

Hello Bill,

With the infomation you gave me, and a book that i have just finished reading, ( ST JULIEN Ypres, By Graham Keech) And weeks searching the internet, I now have (I think) a almost complete picture of events for the period that i was asking for :) I know I still have lots of work to do before I complete my reseach, but at this moment in time I am very pleased with the results, ( jumping around the living room, with big smile on face) Thanks again, and Thanks to Tom Mogans website for recommending the book. :D


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  • 8 months later...

Evening all.

As a little postcript to this story,they were also in the same area during 3rd Ypres,as part of 175th Brigade,58th(2/1st)London Division.

No wonder researching WW1,can sometimes be so difficult!

3years to the day,after their action during 2nd Ypres,they were in action again at Villers-Bretonneux.

If there were any left that had fought in 1915,and i am sure there were a couple,then this day,was one of those that you don't forget.

Gas,Heavy artillery,Tanks,aircraft.

Oh,how times had changed.

All the best.


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You're welcome.

There are many more images on the Canadian Website, it is an absolute goldmine for anyone with a particular interest with Ypres in April 1915.


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