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Transfer to 1st/7th Battalion Essex Regt

Stephen White

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I recently obtained the MIC for Thomas Coulson.Of the Royal Berkshire Regiment and The Essex Regiment.I wrote to both Regimental Museums asking for information.

The Wardrobe (Royal Berksires) were able to tell me which battalion he was in,when he was injured and when he was transferred to The Essex Regiment.

All The Essex Regiment were able to tell me was that the number he was issued with (302060) was for the 1st/7th Battalion.Beyond that nothing more.They were unable to tell me if he was sent to Palestine & Eygpt or sent to another Battalion on the Western front,despite the 1st/7th number.

My question is,where is Thomas most likely to have been sent.Because of the number he was issued with, is it more likely to be Palestine & Eygpt or not ??.

He was transferred on the 16th November 1916,i assume straight after recovering from his injuries.

Stephen :unsure:

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I had a look in "British Regiments" by Brig E.A.James this shows the 1/7th Essex as having the same movements as 1/4th all of which is with the MEF (54th Div), as such it would seem that Thomas Coulson was most likely in Egypt/Palestine than on the Western Front, perhaps an Essex Regiment specialist might be on the forum and able to give you a better answer.


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Thank you for taking the time to reply.

Stephen :)

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Did your reply come back from Ian Hook at Chelmsford, Essex as I have

dealt with him on a few issues and he has been very helpfull.


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Did your reply come back from Ian Hook at Chelmsford, Essex as I have

dealt with him on a few issues and he has been very helpfull.


Yes my reply came from Ian Hook at the museum.He was as helpful as he could be,given the information he had.He was most apologetic that he couldn't tell me more !!.

I was just pleased he had taken the trouble to look for some information and gave me what he could.What he has given me,has given me something to work with.So it's still a result.I just have a few more questions that need answering now.

Stephen :)

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Hi Stephen

If you havent already found your answers, I may have a few for you? Dont have my notes on me, so excuse any details I get wrong ... :rolleyes:

Im researching a 5th beds man in 162 Brigade, 54th Division. Remember seeing many Essex Regiments in the 54th's list, so would assume they had the same movements? They went to Gallipoli until Dec 1915, then onto Egypt & Palestine as I recall. I may have some notes of their movments at home and will have a scan tonight (will reply Weds am).

Also, Im waiting with baited breath for 'British Reg's in Gallipoli' by Mr Westlake, so will be able to pin more down for you when it lands if you like?

Were the berks and Essex in the same division (or did i read Davids post wrong)?


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Thanks for the reply,any additional information even the smallest piece will be gratefully recieved.

I think you may have red David's reply incorrectly.The Royal Berkshires,especially the 6th Battalion (Thomas's Batalion before transfer) were in France.Thomas is mentioned in the Reading Mercury 05.08.1916 as being injured in July,during the first day of the "Big Push".I've taken that to mean the first day of the Somme.

He was transfrred on 16th November 1916,after recovering from those injuries.So what the 1st/7th Essex,where up to from that point on is of great interest.Especially IF he was sent to Eygpt/Palestine as the 1st/7th sevice number he was issued with suggests.


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just checked on this site and the 1/7th Essex were in 161st Brigade, 54th Division from Aug 1914 (suggests to me they were TF). Sailed for Theatre Balkans 2(B) July 1915. Landed Suvla Bay 10/8/1915. Withdrawn from Gallipoli Dec 1915. Moved to Egypt then eventually Palestine. Stayed in that theatre for the remainder of the war until disbanded Sept 1919.

So at least he missed Gallipoli.

Anyway, will have a look at home tonight, and wait for that book!!

Good luck


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