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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Suddenly We Didn't Want To Die.


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Picked this book up today while having a browse in a local book shop. For £3, I have to have that I thought.

It is in 6 parts:

1 June, Belleau Wood.

2 July, Soissons.

3 August, Pont-à-Mousson

4 September, Saint-Mihiel

5 October, Blanc-Mont

6 November, Meuse-Argonne

As with the title it is the memoirs of Elton E Mackin who joined the US Marines early in 1918. It looks like it could be an interesting read and I imagine it will read like a 'worms eye view' or events.

Has anyone on the forum read this book?

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It a great read, you will enjoy it. It inspired me to learn more of the American involvement, gain a better understanding of the battles of Belleau Wood and Mont Blanc etc. Nice pencil sketches.

Well worth it and you will want to visit the battlefield a little further south than the Somme


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