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What happened next


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SWMBO has voluntarily agreed to increasing my library for Christmas, so I am trying to find books relating to what happened in the days after, on both sides of the wire, any suggestions ?

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Transcripts from from a Battalion War Diary.

11th November 1918-Telegram received that Armistice with Germany signed and that hostilities would cease at 11.00 hours.

This splendid news was given out to the Battalion and a holiday proclaimed.

12th November 1918-Companies training and working in the morning & Battalion Sports carried out in the afternoon."C" Coy completed third footbridge across Canal.


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The Greatest Day in History by Nicholas Best ISBN978-0-297-85190-5 gives a timeline of what happend ON 11/11/1918. I don't know any books covering afterwards.



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Thanks guys, as you say, not too much about covering 12.11.18 and onwards specifically. Understandable really, I'd have been more concerned about getting home than "Dear Diary ".........

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Many battalions, like the 20th KRRC, became part of the Army of Occupation and set off on the march towards the German border. They were road mending on the 12th but started on the long journey during 16th Nov


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In Philip Gibbs 'Realities of War' he takes the reader through the war from start to finish (as he witnessed it) and has quite a bit to say about events after the 11th. Well worth tracking down a copy. I think you'll find it's accessible digitally via this web site.


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In Philip Gibbs 'Realities of War' he takes the reader through the war from start to finish (as he witnessed it) and has quite a bit to say about events after the 11th. Well worth tracking down a copy. I think you'll find it's accessible digitally via this web site.


Thanks for the recommendation and the PM update !


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Hi Bellflower

The Great Silence: 1918-1920 Living in the Shadow of the Great War, by Juliet Nicolson, is a brilliant account of the days after the end of the Great War, up to the unveiling of the Cenotaph in Whitehall. See reviews here - http://www.amazon.co.uk/Great-Silence-1918-1920-Living-Shadow/dp/0719562570/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1322684096&sr=1-1

Have a good read!


Product Description

Peace at last, after Lloyd George declared it had been 'the war to end all wars', would surely bring relief and a renewed sense of optimism? But this assumption turned out to be deeply misplaced as people began to realise that the men they loved were never coming home.

The Great Silence is the story of the pause between 1918 and 1920. A two-minute silence to celebrate those who died was underpinned by a more enduring silence born out of national grief. Those who had danced through settled Edwardian times, now faced a changed world. Some struggled to come to terms with the last four years, while others were anxious to move towards a new future.

Change came to women, who were given the vote only five years after Emily Davidson had thrown herself on the ground at Ascot race course, to the poor, determined to tolerate their condition no longer, and to those permanently scarred, mentally and physically, by the conflict. The British Monarchy feared for its survival as monarchies around Europe collapsed and Eric Horne, one time butler to the gentry, found himself working in a way he considered unseemly for a servant of his calibre. Whether it was embraced or rejected, change had arrived as the impact of a tragic war was gradually absorbed.

With her trademark focus on daily life, Juliet Nicolson evokes what England was like during this fascinating hinge in history. (20100605)

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"11th Month, 11th Day, 11th Hour" by Joseph E Persico

Arrow Books

ISBN 0-09-944539-5

Might be a help!


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