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John George Dove(s) RNR and Merchant Marine.

Kevin Mears

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I'm interested in two men, Father and Son, both named John George Dove and from County Durham. Dove Senior was born around 1870 and I have found attestation papers for him as 62 Gunner John George Dove of the (Territorial) Durham RGA. He served 117 days with them and was then transferred to what appears to be Naval Reserve (Trawler Section). He was 43 years old at the time and had stated on his attestation papers that he had previous service in the Naval Reserve. Census records show his employment variously as a coal miner and shipysrd crane operator.

Next we have his son John George Dove Junior. Born in 1901, I have a copy of his CR1 card? This states that his apprenticeship expired in February 1922 and that a fee was charged.

John George Dove Junior is the Grandfather of a friend who has four medals in his family's posession. 1914-14 Star, War Medal, Victory Medal and Mercantile Marine Medal. As far as he is aware, he doesn't have access to the medals at the moment, only the Victory Medal is marked with the number 2130 T.S. Might I be right in suspecting that the trio relates to John George Dove Senior and the Mercantile Marine Medal to his Son? Is there any way of expanding on any of this or confirming it?

Any assistance most gratefully appreciated.


Kevin Mears

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Regarding JGD Junior is it a CR1 or a CR10 that you have? I am not familiar with CR1 but CR10 will provide info about service in the Merchant Navy .

Here is a link to National Archives which will give info. about Mercantile Marine Medal and possibly access to the medal card (?) Could be him possibly (?)


You could cross refer the Dis A number on the record card to the CR10 (if that is what you have)

Maybe through this and previous post and process of elimination you can firm up your suspected allocation

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Thanks both. I've been in touch with the FAA Museum today and have emaied them so fingers crossed.


Here's an image of the card I've found. Any help decoding what it all means would be much appreciated.



Kevin Mears

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I have found this link which explains the various documents and numbering systems for Merchant Marine.


It mentions the National Archive and the Southampton Civic Archive . Both are helpful and I am copying a link to the latter who I have dealt with by email and phone as well as physically visiting the National Archive.


Regarding your CR1 form:

-the Dis A Number is the Discharge Book Number which is explained in more detail in the first link herewith

-it looks like the rating is AB - able seaman

- the date of birth and place of birth coincide well with the details on the previous link I posted re National Archive. If you should purchase the document there should be a reference therein to the Dis A number which might prove that it is the same person.

- In don't fully understand the reference to apprenticeship . Also the Dis A number is a very high series so it may be that he is being issued with a new book in Feb 1922 (age 21?)

It might be therefore that you find a different Dis A number on the medal card - depends when he applied for the medal however the card should also have his RS2 number which may be of help. Also if you can locate a CR10 that could have some further useful information or cross references.

I hope this all makes sense. By process of elimination with junior and following H2's advice with senior you should be able to get to a conclusion. Any numbers on the medals would obviously help as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you all very much for the help.

Have applied for and received the records of John George Dove Senior from the FAAM. They confirm the fact that he served as an engineman and that he was in receipt of the 1914/15 Star, War and Victory medals. It also lists several trawlers on which he served. So lots more leads to go on.

Thanks again.

Kevin Mears

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  • 3 years later...


By accident I came across your post. I am so glad I did.

I am a very close relative of both the mentioned JG Doves you speak of and would like to make contact. If anyone seeing this other than yourself who corresponds with you regularly please contact Kevin.


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