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2 x POW look-ups


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I hope you don't mind me taking up your kind offer of looking up POWs. I have two that I would like to know if you have details on:

1) 2 Lieutenant (later Major) Joseph Arthur SYKES, Royal Artillery (later RASC) - more details below.

2) 66507 Sgt. Neil McColgan, Royal Engineers - more details below

Thanks very much. Regards


1) extra details:

Major J. A. Sykes, Royal Army Service Corps late Royal Field Artillery – Prisoner of War

Commissioned 26.08.1917

Joseph Arthur Sykes born on 9 September 1898, son of John Herbert Sykes, MD of Birkdalewas. He was educated at Charterhouse School from 1912 to 1916 and was a member of the Shooting VIII. Afterwards he attended Christ Church College, Oxford University where he received an MA.

He was commission into the Royal Field Artillery on 26 August 1917 and arrived in France on 22 November 1917 with the 86th Brigade RFA. On the 27 November 1917 he was posted to D Battery 86th Brigade and extracts from the war diary shows that he was taken Prisoner of War on 2 September 1918.

01.09.1918 - Clery Sur Somme

"Batteries in action in B23 and B24. Moved to positions in C13 and B18 during day. HQ remained at Hill 110 in B23c. Brigade transferred to 74 Yeomanry Division from 58th Division. Lt W. H. Marsh wounded."

02.09.1918 - Clery Sur Somme

"Supported attack of 74th Division on Moislains Norlu. Attack was held up beyond Moislains owing to the village not having been mopped up. 2 Lieutenant J. E. Elliott and 2 Lieutenant J. A. Sykes who entered Moislains on mounted duty did not return and have since been declared POW in German hands. Lieutenant C. R. Cudmore wounded by bomb."

Whilst a POW he was placed on the “exonerated officers list” and was only repatriated at the end of hostilities on 8 December 1918.

After the war he was employed as an Articled Clerk to a Solicitor and in 1920 he lived at 51 York Road, Birkdale. By 1930 he had gained enough legal work experience and became Solicitor and Partner in Boote, Edgar and Rylands, Manchester.

On 4 March 1939 he was granted a commission as Lieutenant in the 4th A.A. Division, Royal Army Service Corps.

Royal Army Service Corps

4th A.A. Divl. – Lt. Joseph Arthur Sykes, late RFA (Spec. Res.) to be Lt. 4th March 1939.

A few weeks later, on 1 April 1939 he was promoted Captain and on 11 September 1944 he “relinquished his commission on account of ill-health”.

In the London Gazette of 6 February 1942 he is mentioned as executor of the will of Mr. Fred Mitchell of Whalley Range, Manchester probably in his capacity as Solicitor.

2) extra details

Entitled to 15 Trio (Cpl, Sgt, RE)

MID for services with Indian Expeditionary Force D, Mesopotamia.

Awarded Cross of St George 4th Class, IEF D, Mestop.

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