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France: Obligatory Breath Test Kits


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I did buy one but I forgot it. I have noticed that some have an expiry date. And when did they take the humans out of the toll booths, I haven't been over for a few months and that was a bit of a surprise, it took me ages to pay 10euro50 with a mixture of 50c and 20c, the sound of the French horn of the man behind me seemed so much more aggressive than the British.

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Someone playing a French horn at the péage, Mick — are you sure you hadn't been drinking ... :whistle:

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Correct me if I am wrong but..... is it true that if you are driving in France with a SatNav upon which is recorded all the positions of the speed cameras you are going to also be in trouble? Please tell me I am wrong!!!! :unsure: That is what the BFG authorities here in Germany are telling the troops (and us 'cos we also count sometimes)


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Someone playing a French horn at the péage, Mick — are you sure you hadn't been drinking ... :whistle:

Well I am sure but cant prove it because I obviously didn't have the alcometer thingy, but it was early morning and my days of lager for brekkie are a distant if blurred memory.

I was very surprised that a French horn would fit into a Citroen C1.

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Correct me if I am wrong but..... is it true that if you are driving in France with a SatNav upon which is recorded all the positions of the speed cameras you are going to also be in trouble? Please tell me I am wrong!!!! :unsure: That is what the BFG authorities here in Germany are telling the troops (and us 'cos we also count sometimes)


No it's correct (and detailed in this very forum) The Big Friendly Giant is right.

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And when did they take the humans out of the toll booths, I haven't been over for a few months and that was a bit of a surprise,

I've found that the more heavily used péages have a human in at least one of the booths. It's quicker to stick a note in the others; they give change. Or use a card. It takes seconds.


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. And when did they take the humans out of the toll booths,

I have this mental picture of the péages staffed by trolls, goblins, and ghouls (with vampires and banshees doing the night shift).

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Just returned from a week in Normandy (300 yds from Juno beach), looked in all the motoring sections of the large supermarkets around Caen etc for the self test kits and never found one!!!!!!

Is there a prize if one is able to locate these mythical beasts in these huge mass storage hangers for food and clothes???



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They are selling them in my local hardware store in deepest Kent

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I bought some very easily in a standard neighbourhood Intermarché. Two for 2€.

(Don't know about car hire.)

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As I don't want to do more in France than shoot through on way to Lux, Ger and Bel I asked in Halfords here ........... silly little blue pack like a pack of cards, alcosense, £4.99 for the two ....... that means I don't have to touch the sides in France!

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We bought two this lunchtime in our local Le clerc at Saint Lô, €1.70 each

Not surprised you couldn't find them Tom, they were at the end of the aisle in the motoring section but hidden amongst Barbeque equipment


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Do these things have a best by date?

The ones I have just bought have to be used by October 2013.

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Surely one of the forum members who lives in France can see a business opportunity staring them in the face? :hypocrite:

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We bought two this lunchtime in our local Le clerc at Saint Lô, €1.70 each

Not surprised you couldn't find them Tom, they were at the end of the aisle in the motoring section but hidden amongst Barbeque equipment


Thanks Gill, i spent ages looking amongst the air fresheners and spark plugs in 4 supermarkets and couldn't find any. I thought that it may be my fault, and that the alcohol consumed the previous evening was interfering with my sight..!!!!

Is it me ...or are the queues at all the French supermarket checkouts getting longer???? I have no patience at the best of times, and the lethargic performance by the till staff and time consuming payment method used by the French themselves drove me to distraction..!!!!!

My local Aldi store here moves my shopping through faster than I can return it to my trolley, maybe we should make it an Olympic sport...we'd win hands down!!!!



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  • 1 month later...

I started reading this thread from the beginning, and soon lost the will to live. I'm not too interested in people's opinion of the Daily Mail, or xenophobic comments about the actions of the authorities in various countries. The fact remains that these rules/laws are in force, and it is sensible to be aware of them and to abide by them. All I want are the facts. The following AA website gives a fairly up-to-date chart of the equipment required in European countries :-



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Took a quick hop over to the UK at the weekend in a hire car with enough space to shift all my daughter's stuff out of her flat. Asked hire company if they supplied breathalysers -- answer no because there's no fine attached to them till November, though the car did have hi-viz jacket, warning triangle etc. Returned yesterday and the guy at the shuttle said they's heard French police were carrying out spot checks on the other side. Drove 300 kilometres back home without seeing a single cop. Will go shopping tomorrow and will look for some for my own car, but apparently many places have sold out.

cheers Martin B

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I was in Normandie about three weeks ago, didn't see any on sale in any supermarket, I made a point of trying to get some too. My limited French wouldn't allow me to ask for them so I will need to wait until the other 'arf comes with me

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Took a quick hop over to the UK at the weekend in a hire car with enough space to shift all my daughter's stuff out of her flat. Asked hire company if they supplied breathalysers -- answer no because there's no fine attached to them till November, though the car did have hi-viz jacket, warning triangle etc. Returned yesterday and the guy at the shuttle said they's heard French police were carrying out spot checks on the other side. Drove 300 kilometres back home without seeing a single cop. Will go shopping tomorrow and will look for some for my own car, but apparently many places have sold out.

cheers Martin B

Couldn't find any this morning, and colleagues at work yesterday said places they had tried were sold out. It's the journo mentality, we work to deadlines so do everything at the last minute in case something changes

no worries -- off for a round of golf now

cheers Martin B

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Unable to locate any of these elusive devices in the Albert supermarkets last week :(


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Saw the Topic Title and expected to read about garlic detectors. USAAF gave their aircrews garlic flavoured chewing gum in WW2 as part of their escape kits, to get the necessary oral ambience.

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