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Sydney Robert Jary


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I wonder if someone maybe able to assist me.

I have just discovered my great uncle was killed in action in WW1 and would like to find out more information about where he fought and died.

The information I have so far is :

Name : Sydney Robert Jary Private 50189 2nd Bedforshire Regiment died 18th September 1918.

He was fatally wounded while saving the life of another soldier and for this he was awarded the DCM and divisional certificate for gallant conduct near Ronsoy.

I have tried to look up the 2nd Bedfordshire Regt but became very confused

I see that The Battle of Epehy started the day he died so I looked in 4th army 18th division and see 2bn bedfords so would this mean he could of taken part in this battle or am I way off target.

I would like to be able to understand this and find more out about the battle he was involved in. Does anyone know of a research aid ie book or web site that could help bearing in mind I am female and do not have much knowledge of the army or of WW1 but would like to learn :)

Thanks in advance for any help given



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Hi Ros

Welcome to the forum Ros.

Fistly, this site has inf on the 2nd Beds and what division etc they were in (see Units of the Army'.)

There are a handful of Beds specialists on this forum, and the 7th and 5th Beds have books written / being written about them. Someone (Ill find his name) is a 2nd Beds person too. Im looking at a man in the 5th and later 7th Beds, so theres a few sources of help here!

To start you off:

(From cwgc.com)


Initials: S R

Nationality: United Kingdom

Rank: Private

Regiment: Bedfordshire Regiment

Unit Text: 2nd Bn.

Age: 19

Date of Death: 18/09/1918

Service No: 50189

Awards: DCM

Additional information: Son of Thomas James and May Jary, of 3, Diamond Terrace, King's Lynn.

Casualty Type: Commonwealth War Dead

Grave/Memorial Reference: Panel 4 and 5


His Medal Index Card should be on line at the PRO (£3.50 to download), and his service papers MAY be at the PRO too, but not guarenteed!

Ill dig up what I can as the afternoon goes on (Im at work!)


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Few extra pieces that come to mind:

The Beds Regimental info on this site is http://www.1914-1918.net/bedfords.htm. Should give a good idea what his unit were involved in. If you can establish when he joined up, you may be able to establish what actions he was involved in. Then its worth looking at the Battalion's War Diaries for details, and he may be mentioned cos of his medal (although other ranks were rarley mentioned). theyre held at Bedford, but theres someone on this forum with a copy I believe. Worst case, Im trying to get to Bedford myself this month, so could do some look ups for you if nothing firmer comes up in the meantime.

Theres also Beds county archives (http://blars.adlibsoft.com but not much is on line), the Regimental Museum in Luton, PRO in London and various web sites (Ill get some and advise). And books of course!

Just found this too:


Look under Jary and youll see him.

Sorry its bitty, Im a bit busy at the mo!!


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Hi Ros

You should be able to find the citation for his DCM in the London Gazette dated 2 December 1919. Incidentally, he was also awarded this serving with the 2nd Bn. You can search the LG on-line.

Hope the above helps



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Any relation to Sydney Jary, author of '18 Platoon', one of the great World War II memoirs? (Recommended text at Sandhurst). Not a common name!

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Thank you to everyone who replied to my post I have found some most interesting things.

With regards to the online London gazette I found the following

50189 Pte. S. R Jary, 2nd Bn, Bedf. R. (Kings Lynn)

For most conspicuous gallantry and initiative. On the morning of the 18th September 1918, during the attack on Ronsoy, he showed great courage and dash when his platoon was held up by a machine gun. He picked up a Lewis gun from a wounded man, and rushing to a favourable position on the flank opened fire with deadly accuracy. After killing most of the team he rushed single - handed the three remaining men, whom he took prisoners. By his splendid conduct he undoubtely saved many casualties, and allowed the advance to continue.

Steve you mentioned that the Bedfordshire Regiment records are held at Bedford silly question coming up "Where?" I do not live too far from Bedford so I could go and see if any records exist.

Regarding whether or not a relation to Sydney Jary the author is unknown not yet come across him but it's very early days in my research.

Thanks again for all your help :)

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Steve you mentioned that the Bedfordshire Regiment records are held at Bedford silly question coming up "Where?" I do not live too far from Bedford so I could go and see if any records exist.

Hi Ros

Not silly at all gal! There are records spread over several different sites!

Send the below detailed a mail and title it 'FAO Nigel Lutt' for speed. Should be there now. May be best to make an appointment to view, but that would be via Nigel, so hes definitely the best one to get to know! As well as that, he'll advise excactly what he has there and whats at Luton, etc. Rather a knowledgeable chap that one B)

Bedfordshire Record Office

County Hall

Cauldwell Street


01234 228833


What Id give to be living nearer home again... :( Bet the weathers better too.

And I agree with Ed (again), what a citation!

Very best of luck to you


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