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SDGW Look Up Please


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I wonder if someone could check SDGW to see if the following person is listed and let me know:

5120 William Robert Beazley 4th Hussars or Bucks Yeomanry

MIC says discharged on 8th Sept 1915, but there is a Plaque named to him. CWGC shows no William Robert Beazley.

Can anyone help as I want to sort this little mystery out.



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if he was discharged , he wont be in soldiers died. i had the same problem some time back, when a man i was researching was discharged from army and sent home to die.


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Unfortunately, he’s not recorded on SDGW (CD version).



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Most interesting ........ take a look on Ebay at item 2260204166 and let me know your comments/thoughts. There are a few inconsistencies like he went out to F&F almost a month after the rest of his Regiment, MIC shows same number of 4th Hussars as for the Bucks Yeo - is this usual ?

Is it possible that he may have died and the family decided to commission their own plaque ?

Research on PRO show 3 MIC's to William Robert Beazley:

1) WH Beazley No 5120 as per MIC shown on Ebay, note sribble about initial should be R, service with 4th Hussars and Bucks Yeo

2) William Robert Beazley No 5120 - Bucks Yeo - may be the other half, could show SWB ?


a 3rd William Robert Beazley of the 10th Royal Canadian Regiment, what is extraordinary is that it show his Number as being 5120 also.

N.B. I haven's downloaded the images and am purely working on the Index on the PRo search site - wasn't going to spend £ 7.00 on that lot !

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