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Interpretation of RGA Lieut File


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I have recently had the opportunity to go through the PRO file of Lieut Arthur Dell. Arising from this I have a number of questioins which more experienced Forum members might be able to answer. Any help or speculation would be appreciated. Here goes:

1. Why commissioned RGA and not RE?: Dell had an engineering qualification and had worked as an engineer for the South AFrican Railways. He came to the UK to apply for a Royal Engineers commission, was not successful but was commissioned in the RGA - recommended 4 Dec 1915 and gazetted 21 Dec 1915. All this I have from a letter in his file written by him. WHY would the Engineers not want him? too many already, not good enough, needed in RGA? Any suggestions or explanations how the different areas of specialty worked?

2. Having been so gazetted in Dec 1915, he only arrived at HQ 19th HAG on 12 May 1916 - "from Base": Wher is Base, what does one do there, what kind of training, is this how long it usually takes?

3. The file doesnt indicate when Dell went to the 15th Siege Battery. However he was there until 30th July when he was attached to 116 Siege Battery until 3 August 1916: Why would one be so seconded - a shortage at 116 or what? Did such swops often happen?

4. Having been in France May 1916 onwards Dell was then given leave from 21 August to 5 Sept, then again from 8 Dec to 15 Dec, then leave extended from 23 Dec. The last leave extended is recorded as by "War Office". : Is this not a lot of leave? How often did Lieuts have leave? How often in the RGA? What sort of special reasons would there be? Dell wife had a baby in London on 14th August 1916 - would this account for these leaves???

5. After all this leave Dell then returned to 15th Siege BTy I assume. Then on 3rd June 1917 he was attached until 24th June to "4th Army Artillery School": Where is this school, why would he be attached there - to learn or to teach, does it only cover 4th Army - I thought 19th HAG (of which 15th SBty was a part) was part of 3rd Army?

6. From the 4th army artillery school Dell left the school on 24th June and went back to 15th SBty and then on 25th August until 4 Sept he was attached to 3rd Bty: Again why was he so attached - were they short of officers, did this swop usuallyhappen etc? I also have the difficulty that when I called up the file of 3rd Bty it is a South African Bty operatiing in East Africa - he certainly never went there an dback?

7. I must add that in the 19th HAG records I have carefully checked all the pencil handwritten notes and find no reference to him ever - I find refernce to others coming and going but not to him???

8.Dell returns to 15th SBty and is wounded on 24th Ssept 1917. But nothing written down in the file. I am now reading from 21st HAG. No reference to him being injured. Is this normal? Does one only record death? No, I find reference to wounded??

9. Interestingly, a telegram is sent very very quickly to his wife in London - that he has been wounded. Was it usual for telegrams to be sent from Casualty clearing stations within one day???

10. Where is No 5 Casualty Clearing Station? Where was it on 24th Sept 1917 to 5th Oct. He was there some time - why so long? Why not go to hospital? He started off with a gunshot wound to back?

11. A total of five telegrams are sent to wife over the period 25th to 5th. Impressive. Is this normal?

12. He dies. There is a list of personal effects - watch, diary, buttons etc. NO clothes, coat, comb/mirror/toothbrush/shaving things. What counted as personal effects?

13.When the money is being sorted out a number of queries: What would "F" (I assume french francs) be deducted for - didnt the army work in sterling> What was the job of Cox and Co - I know they are the army agents but to do what? and Why?

14. It is the casualty form which records all Dells movements (joiing, leave, etc) and that form refers to forms B213 and B 158 aas the sources. But what and where are these forms?

15. When he applied for commisioni he was asked if he could ride. The answer was in the affirmative. Why would he need to - did officers in the RGA ride the horses pulling guns? Or was this just a standard query of officers? Even of thosse applying to the RFC?

16. I dont understand his pay and etc owing to him. "armamament pay" was credited for the period 1-5 October 1917 - but this is while he was in hospital - was this a new allowance for that period? Again "childs allowance" for the peiod 1-5th October at $2 per month - but why not before?

17. He wrote a Will on 25th July 1917 - bit late since been married since 1911 and daugher born August 1916. Witnesses were - William Edward Daniel and Herbert George Asheson - both of 15th Siege Battery. Anyone know anything about them??

18. When he left the South African Railyways, three other engineers left for the UK at the same time - L W. Hardingham, P. H. Davies and J M Greathead. Anyone know anythinig about them?

19. Dell sustained injuries twice - wounded to head 22 July 1916 and gunshot wound to back (what telegram says) in Sept 1917 from which he died. Why a gunshot wound? Who was so close to him? Or did gunners go up to the other side. why not shells etc? pleae explain. I assume that to take 6 or 7 days to die of a wound to the back indicates gangrene??

Many thanks to anyone who tries to answer all or any of these. If anyone knows of photos of anythinig of interst in the above please tell me. I am still unable to but have to learn how to download photos. (reminder to Dick Flory please to post me the photo).


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Kathie: You have me totally confused! In your message in this thread you write:

Reminder to Dick Flory please to post me the photo

I emailed you both both photos two months ago and on 9 June you posted the following message on the forum:

Kathie Posted: Wed, 9 Jun 2004 09:43:32 +0000

A number of people were kind enough to respond to a query some months ago about SAH Dell who was killed serving with the 15th Siege Battery on 5th October 1917.

Dick emailed me a photo of Arthur Dell in a group and him alone.

I am not sure what else you want.

I probable can answer most of the questions in your post above, but am extremely busy at the moment at the University with classes starting in two weeks. If no one else has answered your questions in the next two weeks, I will get back to you with answers at that time.

Regards. Dick

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