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Unidentified Soldier


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Hi All,

This is a tall order, i think. From the photo below, is it possible to tell which regiment this chap is from. I know the quality of the photo is not very good. I thought that one of the pals might be able to work it out.




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Nigh on impossible when they are sans Cap & you cannot see the Shoulder Titles unfortunately,I dont suppose they were sensible enough to put a Name on the back{in Full & not just "Uncle Tommy" which is usually as good as it gets!!}Sorry but I wouldnt hold your breath with this one..................."A Soldier Of The Great War" Known unto God,the Lady he is with{Thats No Lady.....} & the Photographer

Who was it said the impossible we can do immediately,but Miracles take a little longer? :blink:

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Nice one Harry. He is a member of ny family but i am still trying to work out which one. Given time i suppose i will. I am visiting an old relative tomorrow, maybe she will remember ?.

Thanks Harry.


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On the back of the post card it says that the photographer was E. Hancock & Co, 312 High Street W. Sunderland. I dont suppose this helps does it?.


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Who was it said the impossible we can do immediately,but Miracles take a little longer? :blink:

Prob the same bloke who said 'we the unwilling, led by the ungrateful, achieve the impossible ...' and all that :rolleyes:

I looked at this a few times today and theres just no clues at all is there? Long shot, but do the shape of the collars at the front narrow it down in any way?

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Hi Steve and how are you ?.

Just had my tea, and had a phone call. I was asked to send a copy a couple of miles down the road to one of my relatives, anyway i took it and low and behold it's only her Father and Mother. The chaps name is Patrick May. I have had a look at his MIC and it seems that he must have been busted down a rank at some stage, take a look at attached card. So you see the uniform is that of the Yorks & Lancs. Miracles do happen once in a while.


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Hey Glynn, good thanx (its Friday evening, what can I say?! B) ). How are you?

If we were face to face, Id be saying 'Seriously????????????????' with a couple of expletives thrown in. :D So did the pic come from someone connected to them or something? Ill bet Mr May is up there somewhere toasting you as we speak! Nice one Glynn.

Speaking of which, I hear several large beers with bubbles calling my name, and they are soooo persistent ... 'Speak' to you soon mate


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So did the pic come from someone connected to them or something?

Bad choice of words. Should have said did it come from someone who was 'removed' enough to not recognise them! Too keen for bubbles ... :D

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I had a phone call this morning from one of my aunt's, who said i have found some old photo's of men in uniform, do you want them !!. WHAT !! of course i do - was the reply. She told me that when my uncle died last year, she was sorting through his things and came across them. After a year passed she thought i will ring our Glynn and see if he wants them. Then this tea time my Grandfathers half sister rang me out of the blue, with more information on one of the lads i am looking into. I have not heard from her for a year or so. I told her that my aunt had given me these photos, so she said pop up with then and let me have a look. That's when she told me that it was her Father and Mother. WELL !! came the cry - and after i had picked myself up from the floor and wiped away the tear, she was given the biggest hug she had ever had. So there you go Steve - as i said miracles do happen. Have one of those large cool beer's for me and Mr May please Steve.

Speak to you soon.


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With pleasure Glynn. ill drink to any success in this field :D right, I was waiting to see your reply, now I really am orf!! honest!

Cheers (literally for a change)


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Hi Steve and how are you ?.

Just had my tea, and had a phone call. I was asked to send a copy a couple of miles down the road to one of my relatives, anyway i took it and low and behold it's only her Father and Mother. The chaps name is Patrick May. I have had a look at his MIC and it seems that he must have been busted down a rank at some stage, take a look at attached card. So you see the uniform is that of the Yorks & Lancs. Miracles do happen once in a while.

Excellent Nice to know you found him!{NB He has SWB so you should be able to find out a bit more of him from that!}

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Where do i find out more info. I cant get to the PRO, is there any other way. It is interesting that he recieved a SWB. Would this mean i can look through his medical records, and if so are they also kept at the PRO.


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Where do i find out more info. I cant get to the PRO, is there any other way. It is interesting that he recieved a SWB. Would this mean i can look through his medical records, and if so are they also kept at the PRO.


It means that the details on the SWB Roll Page might indicate why he was Discharged & that there is a Better chance his Papers may have survived{Both @ the NA/PRO~ Suggest you get a good researcher ~See the Long Trail etc}

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