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German Units


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Can anyone provide any information on the following 'German' units: 3rd Btn 229 RIR and the 3rd Btn 230 RIR ? In September 1917 both were part of the 50th Reserve Division and both took part in The Battle of The Menin Road. Would I be correct in assuming RIR stands for 'Reserve Infantry Regiment' ? Which of the German states would they have come from ? Many thanks for yout help, look forwrd to reading your replies.

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both regiments (with their III. Battalions) were part of the 99. Reserve-Infanterie-Brigade of 50. Reserve-Division. You are correct: RIR is the abbreviation for Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment. They were Prussian (Silesian) regiments, the whole of RIR 229 being raised in Breslau and III./RIR 230 in Gleiwitz. The other two battalions of RIR 230 were formed Brieg and Oppeln.



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Thank you very much for that Glenn,

Is there an equivilant of 'The Long,Long Trial' for Imeprial German units ?

Best regards

Jonathan Bowd

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Both units has histories:


Link zu diesem Datensatz http://d-nb.info/578346966

Titel Das Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment Nr 229 / Nach d. amtl. Kriegstagebüchern bearb. Alfons Wiedersich. Geleitw. von Major Franke

Person(en) Wiedersich, Alfons ; Franke, ...

Verleger Berlin : Tradition

Erscheinungsjahr 1929

Umfang/Format XII, 349 S. : Mit 9 Ktn, 28 Bild., Feldzugserinnerungen u. e. Ehrentaf. d. Gefallenen d. Reg. ; 8


Link zu diesem Datensatz http://d-nb.info/36214401X

Titel Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 230 / zsgest. nach d. amtl. Kriegstagebüchern u. priv. Aufzeichn. durch Günther von Niebelschütz [u.a.]

Person(en) Niebelschütz, Günther von

Pook, W.

Verleger Oldenburg i. O. : Gerh. Stalling

[Hagen i. W., Bahnhofstr. 41 II] : [Offizier-Vereinigung R. I. R. 230, Dr. E. Parker]

Erscheinungsjahr 1926

Umfang/Format 293, 90 S. : Mit 8 Kt., 8 [eingedr.] Geländeskizzen u. 43 Abb. [auf Taf.] ; 8

Gesamttitel Erinnerungsblätter deutscher Regimenter ; Nr. 159

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  • 2 weeks later...

There is a small booklet about RIR 231 as well.

I have all three books.

There may have been parts of the histories translated in the book by Jack Sheldon "The German Army at Passchendaele"?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Many thanks for all the info folks, the war diary of 1 Queens states 'no less than 6 divisions being used in this attack upon our divisional front'. So, any idea who the other divisions were apart from the 50th Reserve and which units made up their composition ? The British forces in this action composed (according to the war diary) 98th & 100 Brigades (33rd Division), with 9th HLI and 1st QRWS as leading batts of 100th Brigade, the diary also mentions 2nd Worcesters & the 'Glasgow Highlanders' (= 9th HLI ?), whilst my grandads account mentions casualties thus: 'Before we got near the reserve line we had two platoons knocked out. I saw a platoon of HLI's get a big one amongst them and we passed best part of a platoon of the Middlesex on the ground in bits.' As ever any info gratefuly received.

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Is this of use?

British produced map of the German Order of Battle on the 26th September 1917.



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Thank you very much Phil, that is excellent ! Is the map easily obtainable ?

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I found it at Kew. I have the full sheet photographed, but in poor light with a hand held camera. If you want a copy PM me with your email address.

24th Division is actually at the southern extremity of the map, but it extends a lot further north and round to the coast at Nieuport.


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