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conflicting report of death a real odd one


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I want to share with you a case that has been puzzling me for years. On Oct. 8 1915 the Germans blew a large mine underneath the positions held by the 25th Battalion C.E.F. A number of men were killed and missing. They recovered the bodies of the men over the next few days this was the first major loss to the 25th since landing in France the previous month. The War Diary the next day reports the finding of two bodies and I would like to let the War Diary Tell the story.

Oct. 9 1915 Fine day. We began a fierce bombardment with our artillery from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. and did considerable damage to the enemy's trenches. During the night we repaired our trenches. Two O.R. reported missing after the explosion of the mine were found tied together in front of H-4 trench, with a line running to the German trenches. Two O.R. wounded. Machine gun section relieved by the 24th M.G. section at 6 p.m.

For those who have a copy of The Twenty-Fifth Battalion Canadian Expeditionary Force by F.B. MacDonald and John J. Gardiner they have in brackets in the passage from the War Diary (John Gardiner and Brother) after the mention of finding the bodies. Now this is where it gets strange John Gardiner according to the war graves information died on Oct. 12 1915 and has a grave Joseph Gardiner has the right date of death but has no grave he is on the Menin Gate Memorial.

I have noticed another odd fact Joseph was listed as missing on Oct. 12 1915 in the battalion list for that period and his brother as KIA between Oct 3 and Oct. 17 1915. Since the war diary mentions no killed on the 12th I feel that this may be a error. 12 men were killed on that day of Oct. 8 1915 I have the names of 10 and two listed as 0ct 12 1915 Pte John Gardiner and Charles F. Lindell. The war Diary does mention a kia on the 13th Pte Hugh Lockie.

I think it was odd that they found the two bodies tied together and a line running into the German trenches. The book mentioned these two brothers are the ones found maybe the co-author was a relative and knows something more. What do you think I have a list of all the men who died with the 25th and list of killed and wounded for the period which I have included in the post. Maybe Terry Denham can shed some light.

Best regards



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I just finished checking all the 25th guys Killed in Oct 1915 I can put the names to everyone on dates that the war diary mentioned was a KIA except pte John Gardiner and Pte Charles F Lindell. I feel that these are my two missing men from the 8th. The war diary also says that 6 bodies were found 2 on the 8th, 2 on the 9th, and 2 on the 14th that were involved in the mine explosion. Since the men recovered on the 14th would have been listed as amoung the missing on Oct. 12th like the other 8 men on list the second list in my post they would not have been among the KIA listed. The other KIA are mentioned as died Oct 8 two are corporal Harold W. Bennett and corporal George C. Monroe and I think these are the two recovered on Oct. 8th. Since the other 8 were listed as missing. I think the two that were bound together were Gardiner and Lindell. Out of the almost 900 who died with the 25th these four must be the four bodies recovered prior to Oct. 12th no others match the dates. What do you think of my conclusion.

Best regards


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