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I would like any available information of the following soldier:

' The many friends of Private Daniel Brogan, of the 2nd Bn, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, on active service, will regret to hear of his death in action at the front. He was a native of the Dunloy district and was extremely popular with all who knew him, and he has now died a soldier's death after being at the front since early in the war.' (Ballymena Weekly Telegraph, 3rd April 1915.)

The CWGC says he was the son of Mr P Brogan, of Pharos (sic) (Pharis) Post Office, Ballymoney, Co Antrim. That is the Loughguile area.

SDGW should supply where he enlisted and lived. Does anyone have a photo or other reference they could share? Can anyone tell me anything from his number - 7972? Does it suggest he was a regular or a post-1914 volunteer? What were the 2nd R Inn Fus doing that day in the Festubert area?

All help appreciated.


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Carinyj - "Soldiers Died....." says Pte. Brogan was born in Antrim, Co. Antrim, enlisted in Belfast and was residing in Glasgow. It also says that he was Killed in Action on 11th March, 1915.


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Not really an answer to your other questions ...

I think 2/Royal Inniskilling Fus. were just holding the line at the time ? No real military operation. The fighting near Festubert and Aubers was not until May 1915 as far as I know.

And this quiet period seems to be confirmed by the number of fatal casualties around the day of death of Private Brigan, which was low. For the whole month of March 1915 there were 13.

On 9 March : 1

On 10 March : 3

On 11 March : 2


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