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Researching Officers Photo


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I recently picked up this (yes, it's seen better days) image of officers identified on the reverse as:

Regimental staff 13th (word hard to read, but looks like could be: Princess) Regt

France 12/9/16

Standing left to right:

Lt. Miller - Asst. Adjt.

Father Kerr - RC Chaplain

Lieut. Brownlie - Medical officer

Sitting left to right:

Capt. Virgo - Adjutant

Lt. Col. Grenville Baker - Commanding Officer

Major Ryan - 2nd in Command

The cap badges that I can distinguish appear to be for the Princess of Wales's Own Yorkshire Regt. Could anyone steer me in the right direction to find information about these officers, assuming I've got the correct unit? Does anyone know of a regimental history?

Any suggestions deeply appreciated.



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don't take my word for it but I think they may well be officers of 13/ Alexandra, Princess of Wales's Own (Yorkshire Regiment)

Bob Coulson is the man to either confirm or shoot this theory down, or does anyone have the Div. history of the 40th Division?


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I think this should prove the 13/Yorks Regt. theory,

from cwgc site


Initials: W

Nationality: United Kingdom

Rank: Captain

Regiment: Royal Army Medical Corps

Secondary Regiment: Yorkshire Regiment

Secondary Unit Text: attd. 13th Bn.

Age: 36

Date of Death: 25/03/1918

Awards: MC

Additional information: Brother of John D. Brownlie, of 117, Wool Exchange, London, E.C.2.

Casualty Type: Commonwealth War Dead

Grave/Memorial Reference: II. A. 7.


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Although it isn't that clear you can just make out the cap badge (in bronze) of the Yorkshire Regiment. And the details above certainly do confirm this.


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I have a confession to make. When I enlarged the phot I nearly put both feet in and said the chap back row centre was Kings Royal Rifle Corps until I re-read Chris's post.

I wasn't going to admit to this but if it makes someone smile on this wet and miserable August day well........ :D


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This shot is great to see and is indeed officers of the 13th battalion.

The date is interesting as on September 5th battalion went back for a few days rest at Bois-du-Froissart and the on the 11th took over a section of line in the Loos sector from the 119th brigade where they had two companies in the Village Line and two in Lens Road Redoubt.

My bet would be though that the shot was taken at Bois-du-Froissart just before they went back into the line.

Thanks for the posting.


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Roger, Paul, Bob:

Thanks for the swift replies and information--superb help as usual. Paul and Roger, thanks for the extra efforts in posting the badge image and the CWGC record--very helpful and truly "above and beyond"

Bob: Thanks for the insight into the timeline of when the image was made. I am glad you found the image to be of interest. I understand that the Yorks. is your unit of specialty interest?


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I have just joined this form today and could not believe my eyes when I saw the photograph.

I have the medals of Lt Col Bernard Granville BAKER:-

DSO [LG 3.6.18] T/Maj [T.Lt Col.] Bernard Granville BAKER, York R.

QSA [CC, Trans, Witt, 01] Capt B.G. BAKER, Imp Yeo.

14 Star with bar Capt B.G. BAKER.


Defence Medal

French Criox de Guerre [LG 24.10.19] T.Lt Col Bernard Granville BAKER, DSO., [General List]

Czechoslovakian War Cross.

Major B.G. BAKER was appointed to command the 13th York R on 28 July 1916 and held that post until at least 2 April 1917 when he was wounded in a heavy German bombardment somewhere near Gouzeaucourt Wood.

I would love to have a better photograph if possible.



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Glad to know that you were able to make an Forum "score" immediately upon joining and with one of my postings, that's what we're here for--to exchange information. That's some nice medal group you've got there of Baker's. I'm not a medal collector, but I am sure at today's prices, such a group would cost a small fortune. Thanks for sharing them and providing information about his service--greatly appreciated.

Anyway, a hearty welcome to the Forum. I will send you a PM regarding getting a copy photo to you.


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