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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Purley County Grammar School

Jim Hastings

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Dear All,

This one is a long shot, but thought I'd ask, you never know. I used to go to the above school, after it had become a comprehensive. In the main hall there was a Roll of Honour for fallen pupils. Last year I had to attend a student day that was incidentally being held at my old school, now a college. I thought it would also be a brilliant opportunity to go to the hall and take down the details on the RofH and research the war of the school's fallen - only to discover the whole place had been demolished and replaced with a new building. I asked about the R of H but just received blank looks from security/care taker. As I say, long-shot, but any one in their research come across men from this school.

It is in Old Couldson, in Surrey.

I vaguely remember many were Commissioned ranks.

Fingers crossed. Be sad if this history has been lost forever.

Many thanks


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Most of theses type of school usually had a college magazine. There may be a list of names or even a photograph when the memorial was unveiled.The present day school may have copies of them.If not local archives may be of some use.

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Ah! Yes, they did have a magazine called The Bourne which they always printed even in the 80s in an older 1910/20 style - never thought of that, great idea, will see if I can track those down somewhere.

Great tip, thank you


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Sadly online check suggests they did start a school magazine was started in 1919 but earliest one held from mid 1930s. Couple of online school websites proved no assistance either. Have another day-school tutorial there next month, may find someone else to ask.

Oh well, knew a long shot

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I would try UKNIWM first here it's not listed but worth asking if they know of it. Also try the War Memorials Trust who may know of it War Memorials Trust

Good luck


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Also check with your local County Record Office - they may have a photo of it or a list of names

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Thanks Gents

Appreciate your input, I'll try all avenues until hit dead end ... and then try some more. I cannot fathom how a war memorial could ever be destroyed - moved elsewhere, yes, destroyed - never.

But then wasn't one found in a skip in that Ian Hislop programme 'Not Forgotten' a few years back??!!

Thanks again


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Thanks Gents

Appreciate your input, I'll try all avenues until hit dead end ... and then try some more. I cannot fathom how a war memorial could ever be destroyed - moved elsewhere, yes, destroyed - never.

But then wasn't one found in a skip in that Ian Hislop programme 'Not Forgotten' a few years back??!!

Thanks again


Sadly some do get thrown away, here's one that was rescued from a skip Oddfellows New Abbey


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Hi Jim,

It may well be worth asking in the Local History Library, as I have come across quite a few School Magazines which have been deposited here by schools, along with other school records. If this fails then try the County Record Office. If there is a local museum they may have acquired the war memorial board from the school when it was demolished. I do know that recently quite a number were found in the cellars of the local museum here and are now going to be displayed in a new Civic Centre.

There may also be a mention in the local press when the memorial was dedicated. I am sure that you will find a mention somewhere and hopefully find the original!

Good luck,


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Thank you Robert,

I'm back there on a course on the 19th so I will try and find out some more info, then go into Caterham and the East Surrey Museum. If I do find it, or even just the names, I will list them on the Forum - at least here they will not be lost again.

A school production of Journeys End sparked my first interest in the GW, just wish I'd paid more attention to the R of H then. Funny thing was, in the 4 years I was there I never heard one teacher or pupil ever mention the memorial, even on Remembrance Day - and many of my senior teachers were WW2 veterans.

Hope to find it

Thanks again for your advice


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  • 1 year later...
Guest Worldwarzoogardens

Hello Jim Hastings

(were you in my year at purley boys O levels 85 A levels 87 before you joined the Royal Artillery?)

I was wondering this about the scholarship boards and roll of honour from those long assemblies. I believe from web research that the R O H survives / is now in the new school sports pavilion or somesuchwhere.

I was thinking about this and our motto Fas et Patria (or Fat et Pancreas as we used To call it) when I was blog posting about my cornish villages roll of honour and Devoran War memorial (which is on wordpress.com) which has the Dulce et Decorum Est Pro patria mori line also used in Wilfred Owen's poem.

If it hasn't been done I would happily set up a blog post Wordpress site for the Purley boys roll of honour if you are interested in working on this? I have done this for zoo keepers and botanic gardens staff such as London Zoo and Kew Gardens that I have been researching for my World War Zoo Gardens project based at Newquay Zoo where I now work! I have been adding 1914-18 sections over the last year.

I have the last Bourne magazine 1988, has the first edition 1919 cover but it has little on the WW1 side even though school formed in 1914. Now there is some info on the school online at fas et patria or some such title. At least one of the school houses were named after staff killed or died of wounds in ww1 including in the RFC.

I can't imagine the now rebuilt 6th form college is going to do this sort of thing but I think it would be a grand thing to do in their memory. We'd have to try and get a decent photo of the memorial (the web image ones were all fuzzy) and also try to get it listed on the UK National Inventory of War Memorials UKNIWM if not already there.

I can email the college and see if there is a photo available.

Interesting that you are tracing the Royal Sussex Regiment

Although my family are now back in Sussex where one side of the family live and came from, my granny's family originally came from Cornwall where I now live.

My great uncle john William Ansell a steam waggon stoker from Croydon / S London was also in the Royal Sussex Regiment but the 7th Service battalion, killed at Aveluy Wood 26 March 1918 aged around 19.

Mark Norris blog: worldwarzoogardener1939 which is at Wordpress dot com

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A search on G**gle shows that Purley County Grammar School is on Friends Reunited. Perhaps a query there would get a definite answer?

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Hi Mark and Berenice,

A local Surrey journalist got in touch with the GWF through Chris Baker and confirmed that the RoH was safe and sound and to be re-displayed. It proved a WW2 RoH only. Mark I will PM you the details.

All the best, JH

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No Kevin, not when I looked initially, I wonder if it is a new site? Interesting, though, and thanks for posting the link. I'll have to do some research on Mr Millner and Dorsett

Thanks again


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  • 1 month later...


Hi from an Old Boy of Purley County Grammar School, as it was in the 1960's when I was there. By coincidence, a picture of the Roll of Honour board has just appeared on the Fas et Patria blogspot. The picture was put on by OP Terry Lawson who is doing some research on the Old Boys whose names appear on the board. It seems, as suggested, that the board covers only WWII, hence the name of Mr J Milner (teacher and RFC), who was killed in 1916, does not appear. However, I am sure that Terry would welcome contact being made about the board, and a contact address is given with the picture. I cannot recall whether there was a similar board to commemorate those killed in the Great War.

Old Boys may like to know that the school (now alas no longer in existence as such) is celebrating its centenary in 2014, and a lunch and tour of the new buildings is planned for June/July. Apparently over 200 Old Boys have already expressed an interest in attending. Details and a contact address are given on the Fas et Patria blogspot. I am sure that Derek Akers and others will be there, if they can be, as they were at the last big reunion in 2007 which was attended by over 300 Old Boys.

The Fas et Patria website / blogspot is certainly not new and was the brainchild of Nick Peaty some 12-13 years ago. It provides a fascinating look back at the school through its 100 years, and is well worth a visit.

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My Dad is doing some research on the Old Coulsdon war memorial so I will ask him if he has come across anything in connection with the School. But it sounds as if Mr Millner was the only master or pupil killed in the Great War so presumably there never was a Great War memorial.

I was born in Tollers Lane, Old Coulsdon - which is just around the corner from the school - but this was all new info for me.


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Is you father looking at the Old Coulsdon memorial for both the Great War and WWII?

If so I would like to exchange information with him as I now have details of most of the 88 names from the Purley Grammar School memorial.

Terry Lawson

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I have just given my Dad a call and he says that there are only WW1 names on that particular memorial. He is not doing anything on any WW2 men. Tomorrow I am picking up a copy of what he has done so far - if there is anything on Milner I will post it here.


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its got me thinking I remember seeing a couple at my old schools Downside and Cumnor House I may have to investigate.

glad the ROH was found safe and well.

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  • 3 months later...

Hello Jim

I visited Coulsdon College today (formally Purley County Boys School) to attend an exhibition on World War I

The Roll of honour for the world war II is in the entrance hall you will be pleased to know.


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  • 1 month later...

Hi Topaz

I might have seen you there! Most of the research on the men on the War Memorial was done by my Dad.

In case you are interested they are having another WW1 Exhibition - this time in the Methodist Church in Coulsdon from 28 September to 4 October.


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if you go to St Peters Chuch next to South Croydon Train Station they have an WW1 exhibition on at the minute, every Saturday.

I found out about this last week.

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