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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Searching for a Soldier

Guest sharonm

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I will be grateful of any links i can be given, I have a photograph of my partners grt grandfather and all he was told was that he died in france!

On the reverse side of the picture I can make out a number, 91663, could this be his army number?? if so, would it indicate when he joined the army or what regiment he was in?

I recently discovered his name was George E Wilkinson.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards


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Hello Sharon. Welcome to the Forum.

Do you have any further information on this man as there are a number of candidates? - where he was born, age etc

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Commonwealth War Graves Commission

Hi Sharon,

Welcome to the forum the above link will take you to the pages for all "G Wilkinson"s killed during the First World War I couldn't see the service number 91663 but I may have missed it. Perhaps if you check the "George E" listings you may see some details that will confirm he is the man you're looking for.

Good luck and sorry I can't be of more help,


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If you can scan the image and put it on the site, I'm sure one of the forum will be able to work out what regiment the cap badge is from, if it is visible in the photo.

If he did not survive the war, he can be looked up here:


I've had a very brief look, and the number you quote does not appear in association with a G E Wilkinson. However, it was a very brief search. It is worth considering that the number could well be the photographer's negative number.

There is also the MIC (Medal Index Card). This can be searched online, but I don't think they've got to "W" yet. Have a look in the section for this on the forum.

I would advise posting the photograph if it is a clear image with even average detail.

Hope this is of help



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The only hit on SDGW with the serial 91663, is a Gnr A M Watson, Royal Garrison Art.

However, there are 3 George E Wilkinsons......

34774, Private, from Grimbsy, Yorkshire Reg, KIA 11/4/18 France & Flanders

473315, Rifleman, from Canning Town, London Reg, Died of wounds 1/5/18, France & Flanders

75470, Private, from London, Northumberland Fusliers, Died of wounds 28/9/18, France & Flanders.

If he came from one of these places, it's a great start.

Good luck,


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Hello all

Thank you for replying, i have searched the CWG site and I'm not sure if any of the George Wilkinsons are the one I'm after as I am still searching my local area libruary and churches to see if he was born here or not!!

So far i know nothing but his name and his picture doesn't have any badges to link him to a regiment? does this mean something, if he has no badges was there any reason why not?

I have attached his picture if it will help.




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Hello Gordie

Thank you very much for this link, i think this might be the same man. I am awaiting a reply from Chris

Very Kind regards


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Hi Me Again

Geordie, apologies for spelling your name wrong before!

Chris saw my article in the local paper and he was trying to get information on my behalf.



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On the reverse side of the picture I can make out a number, 91663, could this be his army number??

Hi Sharon & welcome,

The number on the reverse of the Print is likely to be a Photographer's Negative Catalogue number for original orders & re~orders.

Good luck


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Thank you to everyone,

We have found our man, withthe help of Chris, his actual name is George Herman Wilkinson and is on CWG.



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Initials: G H

Nationality: United Kingdom

Rank: Serjeant

Regiment: Yorkshire Regiment

Unit Text: 9th Bn.

Date of Death: 20/09/1916

Service No: 15267

Awards: MM

Casualty Type: Commonwealth War Dead

Grave/Memorial Reference: Pier and Face 3 A and 3 D


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As we have now found our man, can anybody tell me how to find out more about his regiment?

9th Bn., Yorkshire Regiment



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Hi Sharonm,

If you get really into the research, the PRO/National Archives will hold war diaries for this formation.

However, perhaps if you posted a request for information from about the date of G Wilkinson's death, someone might either have made a copy of the war diary for that date, or may have an official history that they can post here. Have a look through the different sections of the forum, but I think Units and Formations is the right place for this. Put the name of the battalion as the subtitle.

Also, I would highly recommend spending a couple of hours just chasing links through the main website. This will start you off, even if you don't get precise information.

The regiment were inthe 23rd and 25th divisions, and were the 9th(Service) battalion - start here



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