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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Can anyone help?


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Hi all,

I was contacted by this lady: June Parker, email address: juneparker142@hotmail.com

Some time ago you sent me information about the 37th division in WW1, as I

had put out a message on Yorksgen about a pigeon post note of my Uncles from

WW1. I hope you remember.

In the mean time, I have taken this note to York Archives, and they have

kindly mended it, and placed it in special wrapping as it is so fragile.

They made me a scanned copy and a little larger. The only copy I have at

the moment. I can photo copy, but it is not so clear, and I haven`t a clue

how to scan on the computer, so have to practise a bit.

Anyway, I can now more or less read it all, and thought you might like to

know what it says. Here and there it is a bit difficult.

It was sent to

Headquarters of 37th DIV. 2 or a very large L

below that a number 1432. Date 11.4.17 (not so clear, so might have the

month wrong)

Pigeon service 3321 1329

N. LANCs & EAST LANCs are in Scruker Rd, their objective E.7.B.86, but very

weak indeed & calling for Reinforcements, can`t you help us perhaps some

cavalary could get up there. BrigadeĀ® says he now has no troops left

available 76th Brig are trying to send us two machine guns, but they are

unable to do more & the guns have to be found all of which will take time

aaa, Situation Red Flares reported South of Gueruappe(hard to make out the

spelling here) about 8.15am troops of 76th Brig entered Gueruappe at 9.50am.

Please report this to 3rd Div. Please let us know situation in WARCOURT to

C76Brig. I know this particular aaa

FROM: 112th Infantry Brigade

Place a a Time: 8.42.am (The letters a a in the place were not quite

an a, a rather strange sign)

4 4

Senders Signature: Gab Sheringham Cape

Time of Receipt of ??? 9.5am No of Copies sent by P.S 2

This at the moment is the best I can do. The lady at the archives is also

trying to contact people to see if we can find out more.

In the meantime, the original note is under lock and key as my Uncle has

heard it could be worth a lot of money!!!

I presume some of this note is in code, and it would be nice to pin point

the exact location etc, and to know what happened in the end.

Anyway, see what you make of it all.

Best wishes



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