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Les Eparges and Butte de Vauquois


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Can anyone point me in the direction of any English language books on the fighting at Les Eparges and the Butte de Vauquois ? I suspect there are very few, if any, but one never knows !!

Thanks in advance


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I would also be very interested in any such book (s). Whilst at an hotel in Aubreville there were a couple of superb books covering the fighting at Vauquois but not in English.


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Simon Jones ' Underground Warfarw 1914-1918' has a chapter on mine warfare at Carency, Oise, Les Eparges and Vauquois.

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I think we are out luck here Keith which is a shame as the area has a very interesting History.

Postage Stamp from one of my images;


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I fear you are right Norman. I have a book on Les Eparges, in French, with some excellent photos. I really will have to brush up on my schoolboy French. (I've been saying that for years !!) And thanks for the image. When I have a quiet evening, I will ponder the connection between the British Virgin Islands and the Butte de Vauquois.


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It was part of a set of stamps commemorating the 90th anniversary of the end of WW1 produced on behalf of the British Crown Commissioners.

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Yes, I understand that Norman, but I wonder why the Virgin Islands didn't feature areas where the West Indian troops fought, GEA being an obvious example.

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I don't know of anything in English about the fighting for the Butte de Vauquois apart from the odd mention in Rose Combs or the Holts guide. As regards Les Eparges, the first volume of Maurice Genevoix's work called (in French) 'Ceux de Verdun' exists in English under the title 'Neath Verdun. However, the volume specifically about Les Eparges has never been translated as far as I know.


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Thanks for that Christina. The book I have on Les Eparges is the one by Maurice Genevoix. I shall sit down with it and 'Babelfish', and have a good read.


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