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Proposal for to buy a book [RESOLVED]


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Hello all,

I hope that i'm in the good rubric, if not the case, sorry by advance.

I'm searching the book "Over the Balkans and South Russia" Author: H.A. Jones.

I want to buy this book, but impossible for me for to find it in France. I imagine that it is more easy for to find this book on U.K. than France.

I'm searching a forum British member, who want to sell his book or can to find this book for me in his country. The maximum that I want to pay for the price and not up is 40-45 euros (with inside post charges), if an offer less and near 30 euros, i will be very happy (30 euros his generally the price of some old book in France, and sometimes less, 10-15 euros, one of my last old book bought about to the seaplanes squadron of Salonika early 1916 by the chief of the squadron three months and author Maurice LARROUY was 5 euros).

I will pay in first by credit transfert and I'm a serious man, and I have bought by my French forum two books at a serious French member (not new on the French forum), books received before my payment (Seller choice).

But, as i would to pay in first I prefer to have a proposal by regular forum members, not by new members with only two messages on the forum :wub: .

Great thanks if you could help me and please contact me by P.M., you were numerous on forums, talking to me of this interesting book.

Moderator, I hope by my message, i'm in rules of the forum, not outside :( . If I have the book, I would modify the title of this thread for to add [resolved]. I don't open a thread on other forums that I know, only here for my proposal.

Best regards.


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Hello Revan, I have found the book offered by 2 sellers. 'Abebooks.co.uk' offer it for £29.77 plus £12.20 postage (it comes from the USA), and Amazon have it from £49.30 plus £2.80 postage.


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Hello Revan, I have found the book offered by 2 sellers. 'Abebooks.co.uk' offer it for £29.77 plus £12.20 postage (it comes from the USA), and Amazon have it from £49.30 plus £2.80 postage.


Hello Keith,

Thank you for your answer.

I know the page of Amazon.com with the first price 37 $, but this site refuse my email address .fr when I want to create a count (if no mistake by me), I will look on Abebooks.co.uk.

Sorry, I have forgotten :blush: that the money in U.K. is the legendary £ not the Euro money, wasn't voluntary by me only the habit.

Best regards.


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Hi Nicolas. If you wish, I can order the book on Amazon for you, and you can pay me afterwards (perhaps on Paypal ?). Yes, we use the £, unlike Greece which will soon be on the Drachma !!!


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Hi Nicolas. If you wish, I can order the book on Amazon for you, and you can pay me afterwards (perhaps on Paypal ?). Yes, we use the £, unlike Greece which will soon be on the Drachma !!!



Thank you for your proposal.

The total price on Abebooks is £41 with the ship from U.S., if less than £41 by Amazon (with the ship) I agree if you want, thank you.

I have called my French bank by phone today, for a credit transfert no problem with U.K. banks and U.K. is on the Euro area, so normally near £3 is taken by bank.

Best regards.


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Unfortunately, the cheapest on Amazon will be £52,10 including postage, so you might be better off ordering from Abebooks. Glad to have been of help Nicolas


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Unfortunately, the cheapest on Amazon will be £52,10 including postage, so you might be better off ordering from Abebooks. Glad to have been of help Nicolas



Thank you.

So I have bought by Abebooks, and I'm waiting to receive it from U.S.

I'm very happy because this book is normally a reference or well known about to the aviation on Balkans and Salonika area, I hope that the book speaks a little about to the French aviation in the area :wub: and some aviators.

Thank you again Keith for your help.


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My pleasure to be of some help Nicolas. To my mind, that is what this Forum is all about. Happy reading


Thank you.

Best regards,

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  • 2 weeks later...


The book well received. All is perfect.

I will tell my opinion on the book here, when will be read.


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