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Battalion Diaries


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In battalion diaries i am researching it states its strength at the end of the month,the numbers are in three sections,Effective,Ration and Trench.Can someone explain these?

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If I recall correctly, Richard Holmes explains the differences in Tommy. I'll look it up when I get home. I seem to remember that he says that the differences don't appear to have been entirely clear, or consistently applied, by battalions staff.


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I seem to remember that he says that the differences don't appear to have been entirely clear, or consistently applied, by battalions staff.

Certainly true from the battalions ive looked at, even inconsistently applied within one battalion over time. It is something along these lines:

trench strength - equivalent to 'bayonet strength' i.e. the effective number of rifles plus platoon and company officers that would actually take part in offensive or defensive actions, but NOT those normally in the rear in echelon. basically this one is a measure of the fighting strength of the unit

ration strength - trench strength PLUS those to the rear in echelon i.e. RQMS party, CQMS's parties, transport section, stretcher bearers/Reg aid post

(both the above could also include attached troops e.g. US troops attached to British Bns in 1918 for instruction.)

effective strength - not so sure on this one, but this is more like the 'nominal strength' of the bn i.e. ration strength PLUS any men/subunits temporarily detached on other duties. I think, but dont know for sure whether attachments are excluded from this.

To give an example: 1 Borset Rifles are part of the reserve brigade of their Div. They have A company attached to 2 Blankshires who are in the front line. 1 Borset's effective strength is still 4 companies (say 600 men), but their detachment reduces their trench and ration strengths by 1 company (say 120 men). However, 2 Blankshires (effective strength normally also 600 men) trench and ration strengths are increased by 120 men. Their ration strength would rise to 720, but (I think) effective strength would still say at 600.

its is well worth checking the figures in the Bn war diary with those in the Brigade war diary. i have usually found the latter to be more accurate and consistent


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Charles,many thanks for your reply,it was of great help.I have copies of diaries of the 7th.Royal Fusiliers i am researching.

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I would be interested to see what Holmes says on this. I'm not sure that I have ever seen formal definitions, I may just have assumed trench to be the equivalent of today's 'bayonet strength'. Should be pretty close in any case.

Effective is the one that I am not sure about as I haven't seen this as often in a war diary, but it would be effective in that subunits detached (and on another unit's trench/ration strength) could be recalled very quickly, and were therefore effectively still part of the parent. (I think in many cases it may have been used as a synonym for trench strength.)

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