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The Forgotten Battle Series - Michael Gavaghan


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Has anyone come across this series? I bought a copy at the shop at Thiepval out of interest. It is pocket size and called Somme 1916 (hardly a "forgotten" battle), first published in 2003. I have only just had a chance to have a brief look at it but it seems to carry a wealth of information, it is pocket sized and useful for fact checking, if the facts are correct that is. It is sixth in a series of 9. The reason I ask the question is that I cannot find any previous discussion on the forum, have never heard of the publishers M&L, and googling the author and titles produces no result. A puzzle. I realise these are daft questions and someone will pop up and say "good heavens, never heard of that'"

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I have Book 1 Neuve Chapelle/Aubers/Festubert,dated 1997, and Book 2, Loos, 1998, I think I bought them direct from Michael Gavaghan, not Cavanagh,when I met him in France, but wouldn't know where to find one in UK.


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Having now got his name right! Thanks Peter, there are several mentions of him on the forum including this one http://1914-1918.invisionzone.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=78250&st=0&p=720185&hl=gavaghanentry720185 Still seems a bit of a mystery though, the books appear to be self published, but are certainly of a high quality of production.

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The production may be good, but I fear the proof-reading leaves a lot to be desired. I read 'Neuve Chapelle' a couple of years ago, and found it to be full of typos and silly errors. Mind you, this is true of a lot of books nowadays, especially in the 'Battleground' series. My particular 'hate' is confusing 'west' with 'east', which sometimes causes total confusion when trying to understand an action. I suppose financial constraints prohibit the regular use of proof-readers.


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Keith I think the confusing of East and West in any context would incite hate, I haven't noticed it in the battleground series, but I don't like the Gavaghan books because they are small and difficult to read I just couldn't be bothered to make the effort after a couple of pages.


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I have to admit that 'Neuve Chapelle' ended up in the bin two or three times Mick, out of sheer frustration. However, I recovered it each time and persevered. I wrote to Pen and Sword about the number of typos and errors in the 'Battleground' series, and they actually employed me to proof-read an upcoming release. Mind you, a lot of the typos I had pointed out were still present in the published version (including two east/wests !!).


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'....Mind you, a lot of the typos I had pointed out were still present in the published version (including two east/wests !!).'

Don't I know it!

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