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The Other Side of the Wire

David Filsell

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Looking forward to it. I ordered it back in March. :thumbsup:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh you tease. I'm offering good odds on 2016 for Vol III of this mighty work!

Best of luck Ralph. It is/has been one hell of a project.


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Herewith my first short assessment of Ralph's new book, based on a reading of the final pre-publication draft earlier this week.

'This book is an astonishing achievement, a triumph for Ralph Whitehead, whose patient detective work on the surviving German sources over many years has presented us with previously undreamt of precision concerning the thorny problem of German casualty figures. His studies, conducted with forensic care and representing a huge personal investment of time and money for Ralph, have brought such clarity to the subject that it is difficult to imagine that his work will ever be equalled, let alone surpassed. Not content with that major contribution to the historiography of the Somme, Ralph has also succeeded in providing the most comprehensive description of the First Day of the Somme from the defenders' perspective which has ever appeared in print. Drawing on a wide range of material, he has produced a thoroughly vibrant and authoritative account of the action along the critical sector of the front, on one of the hardest fought days of the entire war. From Gommecourt to Montauban and beyond, every nuance of the contact battle is brought to life by the use of well chosen anecdotes and informed linking passages. Nobody, having read this book, can remain in any doubt how, for example, a single reinforced German division - the 26th Reserve - managed to smash the attacks of the British VIII and X Corps completely in a matter of a few short hours. This was a dreadful day for British arms, but an awesome German achievement and we should be grateful to Ralph for describing it so skilfully'.


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Just received an email from amazon,expected arrival date 18th January 2013.

Regardless of delivery dates well done Ralph for completing an epic piece of work,by all accounts after having read what Jack has to say on the book. I enjoyed the first and am waiting with great excitement for the second.

Well done Ralph.


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Looking forward to it. I ordered it back in March. :thumbsup:

Which March was that then?

Having read volume 1 from cover to cover i can't wait for volume 2.

Can't believe the publishers have kept us waiting this long.


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As far as I can tell, everything should come out in January. I have signed the slips for the signatures, all edits are done, now it is up to the printer. Trust me, I have been looking forward to it as well despite having already read it several dozen times during the editing process.


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Just an update, the book is at the printers and is being prepared for the market this January, the last update availability date from Amazon.


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A fine start to the year when this tome is delivered , looking forward to it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

19th February 2013.

I've been quoted the 20th.

Whoever said July, might like to know that Ladbrokes have cut the odds on a July delivery from 500/1 to 25/1, you can now also get odds on July 2016, 10000/1 but may shorten.

All joking aside, i am really looking forward to receiving the book, i also feel for Ralph, having finished the hard yards his book is now being held up by the publishers.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Just a quick update, and I know it has been said before, but, according to publisher, he has assured me that the book will be delivered on or before February 15th. As of yesterday, the date is still valid. If only it comes true, I too would like to see it in print.

Book 3 is going well also. I am putting the different aspects together for the final format, quite a bit that deals with the Somme in the final months of the battle. Fingers crossed, book2 comes out as planned.


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Might be a birthday present for me, then. On the other hand, I'll only have time to skim through it before i go away for 10 weeks or so on Feb 20, and it'll be too heavy to take with me.... :angry2: Something to look forward to when I get back though :D

cheers Martin B

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good news, my publisher has his advance copies in hand and expects the rest to arrive within the week.

He alsoo mentioned that the paper quality is such that allows the illustrations to stand out very well and easier to see, etc.



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He alsoo mentioned that the paper quality is such that allows the illustrations to stand out very well and easier to see, etc.

I met Duncan a few months ago - not only a really nice bloke (well he spoke about Ralph in the highest terms) but passionate about history and producing good quality niche books. It will be worth the wait.

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