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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

tribute to michael mills


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I am not sure if this is the correct place on the forum to place this?But here goes.I

was one of the many people who helped,in a small way,with this index.I have just looked at the results of our labour on the mother site.I am truely amassed that it is possible to produce such a document.Michael you must have worked your socks off to put all the piece together all the parts.I now begin to understand the reasons for our work.Just wanted to say thankyou for allowing me to be a part of this great project.

There must be other people in thje forum who have similar projects in mind??? Well may I be part of the next project.I do not have the whatever it is to be a leader,but I would love to be a worker.

Well I think you will all have got the point and that is thankyou Mike and whos going to start the next project???




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Will it be possible to add verified details about PoWs from personal research into the data base? Can the base then be built on as individuals complete their 'home town trawls', so to speak.

Agree with all said before - very good addition to a brilliant site and forum.


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Desmond, I will be adding this feature over the next week or so.

It will not be interactive in the sense that anyone with info will be able to load it up into the database.

If - when I begin to ask for it! - anyone with info on one of the people named sends it to me, I'll put it on there and you will be able, by clicking on the soldiers name, to see a page just on him/her.

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So I could simply paste up - for example - 'my' POW listings from newspapers post March offensive and the data could then be 'put on the record'?

You wouldn't --- gibber, sniffle ---- be looking for any fancy computer moves ... would you? :(

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Blimey, thanks John but the praise is really to the 21 other folks who helped out.

We had some early teething problems with how to represent our data but it's a tribute to the attitude of the participants that 7 months on we have a really nice piece of work.

I suspect that most of us have never met and probably never will, but throughout the process I only ever received co-operation from the gang.

I'm stuck into a massive project regarding the Buffs right now so I wouldn't be able to embark on another widescale project, but would be willing to help someone get one going. I started off thinking "this will be easy, I'll send them some sheets and guidelines and off we go". Loads of ideas then started flying to and fro which we adopted. It's these ideas that would be helpful to anyone else embarking on a similar project.


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