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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Guards Tunnelling Company


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The History of the Welsh Guards mentions a Guards Brigade Propping Company of 100 men (25 from each battalion) for strengthening defences at night - a sort of Guards Entrenching company. It also mentions a Brigade Tunnelling Company made up of men from each Gds Bn, but doesn`t say what they did. They obviously tunnelled, but what tunnelling would a Gds Brigade need to do?

Phil B

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Hi Phil

I am aware that a Guards Entrenching Battalion was formed in November 1915, consisting of approx. 230 Grenadiers, 300 Coldstream, 250 Scots Guards and 200 Irish Guards. The battalion was usually involved in digging out second-line trenches, gun emplacements, road repairs and the like. It was also used to accustom new officers to shell-fire and for pooling men returning to the front-line battalions of the Division. The unit was disbanded in October 1917.

I know that a number of RE were attached to the battalion but presumably this was usual for most entrenching units.

Hope this helps.


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The Propping Co is mentioned as forming in Dec 15. It seems to be separate from the Entrenching Bn ("an organization of the division which was kept up to work on roads and supply drafts to the various regiments"). It sounds like a sort of Gds Div reserve battalion in France. It`s not mentioned in James`British Regiments 1914-1918, so perhaps it was somewhat unofficial?

I still can`t think what tunnelling the Guards would need to do! Phil B

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