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Old newspaper article


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Hi All,

I have been in an old house today and found an old newspaper dated August 9 1974. On page 5 there is an article (see below). I was wondering 1. If this is the most men that have been found at one time and 2. does anyone have any other information regarding this item.



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If I am not mistaken this refers to the men of the 476th IR that were using a large tunnel complex as a shelter. It housed almost the entire regiment or possibly all of the men. Sections of the tunnel collapsed under French fire.

I will check my references at home after work. If it is the same there is a map of the area as well as the identity of which parts of the regiment were affected. I have also interviewed a member of the MG Coy of this regiment who gave a short but poignant account of this event.

More to follow.


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Thanks Ralph,

This is the first time i have heard of this event. Can't wait to read the account that surrounds this topic.


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I found one reference I was searching for. It was an incident in May 1917 when the 476th IR occupied a large tunnel complex that was struck by heavy enemy artillery shells. Part of the cavern collapsed, actually several sections and the loss of life was very high, in part due to gas poisoning.

I will have to translate the account as it is quite long. I will see if I can scan the accompanying map of the complex and add it to the thread.

Many years ago I was able to interview an old gentleman, a survivor from the 476th IR, a member of one of the Machine Gun Companies. He and a friend had been sent out to obtain rations and upon returning to the tunnel complex he was stopped by a sentry and told to forget about going back, the cave had collapsed under French fire and everyone inside was dead. He was sent to a collecting point where the regiment was going to be reformed.

Let me see if I can get the translation done and locate the interview account. I had no idea that there was any kind of recovery in the 1970's, I wonder if there are other accounts of it.


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No scan yet but additional details of the event. The French targeted the tunnel complex including the entrances and air vents with heavy shells and possibly gas shells using aircraft observation. During the bombardment one large shell pierced an air vent and exploded inside the tunnel causing part of it to collapse and resulted in numerous men also dying from carbon monoxide poisoining.

In 1974 the Pioneer Training Regiment of the West German Army at the request of the French Government was asked to help recover the remains. The site had been discovered by civilians and they were selling artifacts recovered from the site. Heavy equipment was used as well as mining supports to open the tunnel complex.

The report indicated that 330 men from two battalions of the 476th IR were recovered and buried in the German soldier cemetery in Warmeriville.

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I am going to the local library today. I will try and see if there is any further information in the archives. I will let you know.

It would be interesting to know where and who was shelling them at the time. It would then be possible to see if there is any reference in the war diaries.


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Did not find anything concerning this, but then i had not got a date. I will try and look next week.



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