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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

499042 Pte. Muravieff Andrei KIA 25th Bn.


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I was wondering what the notation off to the side on his attestation paper was are they names of children or places. I found it interesting that his wife and three children were living in Russia he must have come to Canada to start a life and send for his family at a later date. It would be interesting to know if the family ever received the medals. Here is a link to the attestation paper.

Best Regards


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That is the mailing address for his NOK back in Russia.

Andrei died on the first day of Vimy, fighting with the 25th Battalion.

For another Russian casualty in August 1917, the Pay Office tried to send mail to Russia, but it came back: 1918-01-30 Notice to NOK, 1918-10-30 Notice Returned, Service Suspended.

An interesting point is raised: the pay earned by most Russians casualties and their medals were likely never claimed. I wonder how long the pay was held in trust, and what the time limit was on claiming medals?

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I was hoping you would see this knowing your intrest I was wondering the same thing his pay and medals may still lay unclaimed if the medals were not erased for replacements. I wonder if the family survived the wars and if his decendants would claim them if they knew they existed. Thanks for the information a interesting note to my research.

Best regards


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An interesting point is raised: the pay earned by most Russians casualties and their medals were likely never claimed. I wonder how long the pay was held in trust, and what the time limit was on claiming medals?

Hi Peter,

This is very interesting but I suppose without reviewing every service record of any Eastern European member of the CEF it would be impossible to say. Having a personal connection to these men have you found that there seem to be fewer of these gentlemen's medals on the market?

Take care,


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Neil, I haven't specifically looked for Russian men's medals, but now that you mention it, I have never seen ANY for sale.

I wonder if other Pals own any? Time to start a new thread . . .

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