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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

The Third Battle of Gaza


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Can anyone recommend a decent, adequately detailed account of the operations during the Third Battle of Gaza? I know there will be official histories but wondered if there was a more contemporary account of the actions available.

Would be grateful for some of your recommendations.

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As a start you could try:

- Allenby in Palestine, Selected Correspondence, edited by Matthew Hughes

- How Jerusalem was won by W T Massey

- The Palestine Campaign by Wavell

- Hell in the Holy Land by David Woodward

All are on the wider campaign rather than the 3rd battle specifically. I haven't read Eden to Armageddon by Roger Ford but I suspect it too gives an overview.

Have you looked at the Australian official histories? https://www.awm.gov.au/histories/first_world_war/volume.asp?levelID=67893

Alternatively you could buy my book on the battle although I haven't started writing it yet!

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If you put THIRD GAZA in the search box and search in FORUMS then you will find at least two interesting GWF threads.


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I have now started writing. So I should have something for you in a couple of years.

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