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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Shot by Firing Squad?

Stephen Nulty

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I came across this picture whilst looking at a web site a few weeks ago.

It appears to show two blindfolded men being fastened to poles in preparation for a firing squad. I can't tell if the men are military, and if so of what nationality, or civilians.

The background area is encased by wooden poles, suggesting that this is a prepared area for execution, rather than an ad-hoc situation.

Any views/comments/ideas on what this is?


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The uniforms suggest that the troops are German. The blindfolded men may well be civilians.

Which web site did the photo come from?


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I agree they look like civilians about to be shot by German soldiers.

I find it a chilling photo to look at. Execution is such a cold blooded and calculated business....


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I also found it quite chilling, and thought a while before putting it up to the forum.


I can't recall the site, but I will have records somewhere. I'll let you know when I find the details.


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I came across this picture whilst looking at a web site a few weeks ago.

It appears to show two blindfolded men being fastened to poles in preparation for a firing squad. I can't tell if the men are military, and if so of what nationality, or civilians.

The background area is encased by wooden poles, suggesting that this is a prepared area for execution, rather than an ad-hoc situation.

Any views/comments/ideas on what this is?


Somewhere I read that the Germans and Austro-Hungarians executed a lot of Polish/Russian civilians in the Balkans and on the eastern front in WW1. I wonder if this pic is an example of this?

The logs seem to be a pretty solid feature, not built just for this execution. Also, one of the men seems to be wearing one of those blouses worn by Russians?

This is really little more than a guess, and I would be very interested in hearing where, and when, this photo was taken.

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