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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum


Guest katiepops

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Guest katiepops

Does anyone know if there is any way that I can find out whether my Great Uncle was wounded in the War?? I have a scan of a postcard that he sent to an aunt in 1916 (the pic on the front was of his recent wedding) saying that he would come and visit soon if he didn't get sent back to the War - I'm not sure if he did go back or not.

The only other thing I know is that he died in 1929 (according to a notebook left by my Grandma, his sister, which I came across last week during a clearout) ... but the overriding impression that my Mum has always had is that whatever he died of (aged 35) was something to do with the War ...

Thanks for any help anyone can give.


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Hi Kate,

What was your Great Uncle's name please. This will give us something to work from. Also if you know anything else about him. Such as what regiment he was in - every little helps.


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Guest katiepops

Hi Glynn


Frank Henry Carr, b 1894

4th Dragoon Guards

Started out as a Private - regimental no 6018, then was made a Sergeant and number changed to D/6018.

From what I can make out he was already in the Guards before the War, but I suppose that could just be my theory rather than fact!



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Have a look Here this is his medal card it will give you more details, and will give you a good start. Also one of the pals may be able to help you further. Good luck


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There may be reference to the award of a Silver War Badge on his medal card index (should you choose to download a copy from the NA site). His entry in the relevant section of the SWB roll (using the reference on his MIC) will provide you with further information in respect of his service (enlistment date, date and cause of discharge, etc.). A look at the medal rolls would also prove useful.



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Guest katiepops

I already had a copy of his medal card (attached below hopefully), but didn't really glean much information from it (other than that he got three medals, which I didn't know before). What's the SWB roll? Sorry to be so ignorant!



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Guest katiepops

D'oh - SWB - silver war badge - I'm having a brain dead night tonight! :rolleyes:

Ok, so where can I access the SWB roll?

Thanks again.


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Hi Kate

From his MIC, it doesn't look as if he was issued with an SWB (there is no reference to it) although it's not always shown! I would recommend that you look at the relevant medal rolls and also try for his service papers at the NA.


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Guest katiepops

Ok ... now to make myself look really stupid - where do I go to find the medal rolls, and how do I get his service papers from the NA?


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