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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Cpl. David F. Hunter, V.C.

9th Black Watch

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The attached article appeared in tonight's local newspaper - Fife and Kinross Extra, Week Ending 21st August 2004, No. 1220, page 3. I thought it would be of interest to forum members.

Hunter's Victoria Cross appeared in the London Gazette on Wednesday, 23 October 1918. The citation is as follows.

His Majesty the KING has been graciously pleased to approve of the award of the Victoria Cross to the undermentioned Non-commissioned Officer: —

No. 43247 Cpl. David Ferguson Hunter, High. L.I. (Dunfermline).

For most conspicuous bravery, determination and devotion to duty. When the battalion to which he belonged relieved another unit in the front line, Cpl. Hunter was detailed to take on an advanced post which was established in shell holes close to the enemy. Relief was carried out in darkness, and there was no opportunity of reconnoitring the adjacent ground. On the following afternoon the enemy drove back the posts on Cpl. Hunter's flanks and established posts in close proximity to and around him, thus completely isolating his command. Despite the facs that he was exceedingly short of rations and of water this gallant N.C.O. determined to hold on to his post to the last. On the evening of the second day he endeavoured to communicate with his company without result. Nevertheless he maintained his position, and repelled frequent attacks until the evening of the third day, when a counter-attack relieved him. Without food and water he had held on to his post for over forty-eight hours. Not only did he withstand constant attacks, but he had also to undergo the barrage fire of the enemy and of our own attacks, which came right across his post. The outstanding bravery, coupled with the determination, fortitude and endurance, displayed by Cpl. Hunter is beyond all praise, and is a magnificent example to all.

Nice to see that this extremely gallant gentlemen has received a fitting memorial at last.



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Sorry the image must have been too large. Hopefully it'll work this time.



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