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17th Manchesters - a history. UPDATE ......1 May publication date


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Many thanks. A copy would be appreciated.

The different archives have different views about copyright. The Liddle Collection is happy for extracts to be used without specific copyright approval being - so long as mention of the Collection is made. The policy is basically the "fair dealings" procedure that allows brief extracts of published material to be used. On the other hand, IWM expects authors to seek copyright approval - basically I would send them a letter addressed to the "copyright holder" asking for permission. They then forward it on to the holder who may or may not bother to reply. If they don't, or if IWM has lost touch with the holder, then the author is free to publish.

I would doubt whether IWM would raise any objections to a family member publishing details of the interview but I would certainly drop them a line asking thequestion.


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No, I havn't. That's a new one for me - oddly it must never have come up on my searches of the IWM holdings. That said, I don't think he's mentioning anything not covered by others.


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  • 3 months later...


Reveille Press give 1 May as the expected publication date. The book will be available from all usual stockists and will have a cover price of £35.

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  • 3 weeks later...


Publication date for the book is now scheduled by Reveille Press for 1 May.

Book is available for pre-order at Amazon (use the Forum link so the GWF benefits from your purchase)



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi John

After receiving this today should I worry that this could be another 'Ralph Whitehead' book? :(

We regret to inform you that your order will take longer to fulfill than originally estimated. Our supplier has notified us that there is a delay obtaining stock for the following items you ordered on April 30th 2013.

Still looking forward to the book

Kind regards


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Must admit, rather optimistically, I had seen the Amazon page saying "temporarily out of stock" and had assumed that sales must have been better than expected. That'll learn me. I'll ask the question of Reveille Press.

Thanks for your order.



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Hi John

After receiving this today should I worry that this could be another 'Ralph Whitehead' book? :(

We regret to inform you that your order will take longer to fulfill than originally estimated. Our supplier has notified us that there is a delay obtaining stock for the following items you ordered on April 30th 2013.

Still looking forward to the book

Kind regards


Please note that a publication date is set in advance of the book being available for the purposes of advising the trade database(s). It is not always cast in stone and sometimes a book is available before the publication date. Sometimes along the way you get delays in production relating to many factors such as author/editorial/design/print and sometimes the book is even cancelled or slips publication by months or years. I can advise you that the book got delayed at the printing end and is now proofed and once John gives the nod copies will be put into the distributor (who in turns supplies Amazon for you...) Cheers, Ryan

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As Ryan updates, I'll be "giving the nod" on the first copy next week and then we'll be off. I've obviously seen a pdf of what's coming and am really chuffed with how Ryan has laid it out.


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Hi John / Ryan

Thank you for the update, do hope that my comment was taken as tongue in cheek!

Kind regards


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We are old forum friends - of course it was taken as tongue in cheek.

By the by, first copy arrived this morning and I'm a very happy bunny. It's great to see over a decade's research turned into somethign tangible which I can share with folk. I have carried Tom & Robert Brough's names in my "signature" since I joined the forum and am really chuffed to do this for their memory.

Needless to say, Ryan has now had "the nod", so I assume we're about to be off.

best wishes to you and Mrs K.


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  • 1 month later...


Just been told by Amxxxxx that it is on its way. Congratulations John, on the second book, what is number three going to be?

best regards


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I'm just back from a few days away and my "authors copies" had been delivered and I also see Amazon has lifted its "out of stock" embargo.

Hope you enjoy the read when it arrives with me.

Book #3 is well advanced and will be something completely different - assuming I can find a publisher or go down the Reveille Press "assisted self-publishing" route.



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Better tell me what it is about John :)

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Such a tease ;)

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