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L/Cpl Thomas Watkins RMLI


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I am in the process of getting 7 names added to my old school war memorial. Currently only teaching staff and boys are commemorated but 7 members of the non teaching staff also died. I suspect this was typical of the times but as times have changed there appears to be a willingness on the part of the school to correct this .

The way the memorial is laid out it shows where each man died as well as their battalion . I have successfully found 6 of them and have one which is still a problem

He is

L/Cpl Thomas Watkins

Royal Marine Light Infantry

Died 16.6.15 Age 46

He is commemorated on the Portsmouth Naval Memorial

There are no entries on SDGW I guess because these men were strictly in the Navy

Gallipoli spings to mind but I don't have a battalion number for him and in this case it's obviously very important to get the right details so that his name can be commemorated alongside the men he srved with in both peace and war.

Thanks John

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Hello John

PO 5505 L/Cpl. Thomas WATKINS died at Gallipoli (Souce: With Full and Grateful Hearts, Capt. J A Good RM, Royal Marines Historical Society, pub. 1991).

Hope this helps.


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Portsmouth Battalion, RND.

From CWGC: Age 46 at date of death, Son of William and Caroline Watkins, Hereford.



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I thought the same thing which made me question whether he had died at sea in an operation unrelated to Gallipolli.

Did the Portsmouth battalion have a number or just the name?


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The Royal Naval Division was formed from "surplus" naval reservists (ultimately forming two brigades) and a brigade of Royal Marines, made up as follows:

3rd RN Brigade (Marines)

9th Battalion - Portsmouth

10th Battalion - Plymouth

11th Battalion - Chatham

12th Battalion - Deal

Watkins (according to "With Full and Grateful Hearts") served with the Portsmouth Battalion. Incidentally, Private Walter Parker, RM won his VC at Gallipoli serving with the Portsmouth Bn. on 30 April - 1 May 1915.

I can only assume that Watkins died at sea (hospital ship?) and consequently is commemorated on one of the Naval Memorials. I am aware that the RND were in action on 4 June at Achi Baba, suffering considerable casualties.

Sorry I can't be of more assistance! His service history sheet should be available at the NA and this should clarify matters.



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The absence of an ‘S’ in his number suggests a Long Service enlistment and you may be lucky to find his papers [though John Morcombe is highly critical of the poor state of the Portsmouth Marines service papers held at the PRO (ADM157 series)]

According to Fevyer & Wilson a 1914 Star and Clasp were issued in respect of Watkins on 6 July 1920 to his sister, Mrs M. E. Harvey

Strangely, they also give him as DD [discharged dead] 29 Feb 1916 [?]

Though the CWGC confirms the date which you have, 16 June 1915

The ‘Portsmouth’ were at the Anzac beachhead 28th April-13th May 1915

But were in Reserve for the Third Battle of Krithia on 4th June

However without further evidence, the dates of battles are of less significance at Gallipoli where there was no rear area and therefore anyone could catch a stray or an overshoot even when not in the front line, not to mention the constant artillery bombardment of all areas

Why the Portsmouth and not the Helles memorial? I’ve no idea.


Michael D.R.

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Thanks to you all, it sounds like we'll be safe putting 9th Battalion on the memorial. You've put the final piece in the puzzle, can't thank you enough

Warmest regards Hambo

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it sounds like we'll be safe putting 9th Battalion on the memorial.


Ed is quite correct when he says above that the ‘Portsmouth’ were the 9th Battalion, 3rd RM Brigade, Royal Naval Division,

However, this relates to the formation of the division in late 1914 and the numbering system for the battalions was dropped very soon thereafter, in early 1915 and before the death of Watkins

I would suggest that the correct reference to be shown on your memorial should be to the ‘Portsmouth Battalion, RMLI.’


Michael D.R.

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