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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

1/6th Battalion Sherwood Foresters

Kevin Marples

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Hi again. I have re-registered from home this time. For some reason I was unable to log back on from my workplace. Anyway thanks to those of you who provided me with useful information especially about posting the details of my relatives who served in the Great War onto the Forum.

First of all I have three relatives all of whom survived the War. They all originated from the Matlock area in Derbyshire. The following information was kindly provided to me by Chris Housley, the regimental historian for the Sherwood Foresters

First my grandfather - Private 1913 Alfred Ambrose McIntyre who served with D Company 1/6 Battalion Sherwood Foresters in France and Belgium from early 1915 onwards. He was wounded on 13 December 1916 at Foncqevillers. I haven't been able to find him on the Medal Rolls Index yet and I have yet to find out if his War record survives at the PRO.

Second was my great uncle - Lance Corporal 123272 John Edward McIntyre. I believe that he served with the same battalion as my grandfather. Again I have yet to find any trace on the Medal Rolls Index and if his war record survived.

Last is someone who I believe was my great great uncle - private 22466 John McIntyre. It appears that he originally served with D Company 3rd Battalion and was then posted to 9th Battalion. I have managed to find his medal card which shows that he was at some point in the Machine Gun Corps when his regimental number became 158596. I believe that he was wounded twice and died shortly after the war finsihed in either late 1919 or early 1920.

Incidentally I have found that the local newspapers of the time are a gold mine of information. I have found references to all three of my relatives and indeed two letters from my grandfather which he wrote from the Front in 1915 and which were published in one of the local newspapers. Many of these "letters from the Front" that were published in newspapers during the early part of the war contain references to other local serving soldiers. The news and obituaries of those who lost their lives in the War sometimes mention others who were close or comrades in arms.

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Many of these "letters from the Front" that were published in newspapers during the early part of the war contain references to other local serving soldiers. Also the news and obituaries of those who lost their lives in the War contain sometimes mention others who were close friends or comrades in arms.

Hello Kevin

I would be interested to hear of any local members of the Grenadier Guards that you come across whilst you're trawling the local papers! Derbyshire proved to be a good recruiting ground for the regiment.

Incidentally, was your grandfather discharged from the Army as a result of his wounds? Have you been able to obtain a copy of his medal card index?



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Kevin, don`t you mean" Cliff "Housley regimental historian, i`ve got his details but does he have an email address?

Dave B.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Had a quick look at your fledging website. Looks interesting especially as it's close to home around Matlock. Give me time to explore it more thoroughly. I'll get back to you sometime.

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I used to live in Matlock! Got my degree from the now defunct college and met my wife there. Happy days!

Anything of interest will be gratefully received.

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