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Artillery will not fir on the Kings Enemies


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This was in the 2nd Battalion Black Watch's War Diary and was obviously a sore point.


Water up again but blocks holding.

Turks flooded out again and again 66th Brigade (13th Division) completely failed in their duty.

On enquiry and exhortation to shoot the King's enemies the Forward Observing Officer, B 66, produced Orders on which the attached letter to 19th Brigade was written.

"To 19th Brigade. 29/4/16.

The F.O.O. B 66 has shown me written

orders signed, ROBT. A. VIGNE Lieut. Col. C.R.A. Left Bank,

d/ 18/4/16, from which the following extracts are taken.


(1) The F.O.O. is a Battery Officer entirely under the orders of

his Battery Commander.

(2) His relations with the Infantry are simply to take notice of

their requests for fire, using his own discretion as an Artillery

Officer to submit them to his C.O.

Tact is required in dealing with the Infantry.


His relations with the Infantry should be marked with cordiality

and mutual confidence he should not submit to being ordered about

by the Infantry".

TRUE COPY (signed) W. M. THOMSON Lieut Colonel.

Commanding The Highland Battalion

The 21st Brigade on our right completely evacuated their trenches when flooded but returned later and occupied Parados.

Casualties; Wounded 6. O.R.B.

2nd Black Watch. 4. 1st Seaforth Hrs. 2.

Not a lot of tact used here!


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