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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Magnificent Moustache

Matt Dixon

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Can any of the Pals assist me in the identification of the chap below, who in my opinion deserves a medal simply for the magnificence of his moustache.

I am trying to identify the medals and if possible the regiment.

I have identified the medal on the right as you look at the photo as the Khedives Star, and I suspect that the one on the left is the Egypt Medal, but can anyone help confirm this?

Having looked closely at the belt buckle and badge, I think he may be Oxford and Bucks LI (that would tie in with the location the photo came from). The inscription on the belt buckle reads "Dieu et mon droit", and the badge resembles the horn with ropes of the OBLI. Can anyone confirm which regiment this is?

I have also posted a close up of the buckle and badge.

Am I right in thinking that the two stripes on his arm indicate between 8 - 12 years unblemished service?

If anyone out there could help, you would make a chap most happy.

regards to you all


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Close up of the buckle and badge


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Hello Matt

It is indeed the Egypt Medal (which is always accompanied by the Khedives Star). The two good conduct stripes signify 6 years undetected crime ;)

Hope this helps.



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Thanks for the medal information, I am confused as the Medal Yearbook says the ribbon for the Egypt medal was blue with two white stripes, but I suppose that could be down to the quality of the picture.

So one stripe = 3 years good behaviour?

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By jove old boy I think you might be right. That's curious though as I suspected that it was OBLI, I just wish I could get the picture clearer!

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I understand that a single stripe equates to 2 years good service.

The medal ribbon is not at all clear on the posted image (i.e. it's not possible to distinguish the pattern) but since the Khedives Star is clearly present, it will be the Egypt Medal.



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One further point. If this chap is KSLI, then the clasp to his Egypt medal will almost certainly be for "Suakin 1885".



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Thanks very much for the information, it's much appreciated, thanks for taking the time to share your knowledge.

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  • 2 weeks later...


A belated addition to the discussion.

I think he is 1st Batt KSLI (53rd) based on the medals, cap and collar badges. The collar badges appear to be the KSLI 1881-1882 style and would have an inscription of Kings Light Infantry below the bugle, though not legible from the photo. Also I don't think OBLI wore collar badges during the 1880's.

The medal maybe either an 1882 or 1884 Egypt as the KSLI were awarded both, those awarded the 1882 medal were given clasps for Suakin rather than receiving the 1884 medal.

If you get 'British Campaign Medals 1885-1914' by Peter Duckers (Shire) there is a photo of the 1st Batt KSLI being awarded their Egypt medals so maybe your man was on that parade.


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