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'The Bottom of The Barrel' Tanky Taylor (Worcesters)


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Hello all,

Taylor, F.A.J. The Bottom of The Barrel (London; New York: Regency Press, 1978). Author aka "Tanky" or "Jimmy".

Has anyone read this or have a copy of it? It's at the bottom of my list but I keep thinking about it...like a holiday. Likewise an apparent volume of extracts:

Taylor, F.A.J. The Bottom of The Barrel, 1918: or Tanky Taylor's War, a series of verses about events taken from the book (Taunton: Taymark, 1984).

Most curious about a Worcestershire Regiment link and the scope of the book(s).



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  • 2 weeks later...

I've got the former. it's one of a handful of memoirs written by a conscript. Ilana R Bet-El in her book Conscripts: the lost legions of the Great War identified only 5 or 6.

Taylor served briefly in the 3/19th Londons after having enlisted in the RFC and I quoted his experience in my paper on the changing character of the 19th Londons during the great war. Taylor's account showed how disorienting the experience of being posted willy-nilly from unit to unit was for many conscripts.

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Thanks Charles.

Did he serve in a Worcestershire battalion in his travails?



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Yes, he served in a battalion of the Worcesters I think, not sure which battalion. I'll have to dig out my copy and see. Just have to find it.... He was a bit vague on units himself IIRC.

As a book it hasn't been researched so there are no footnotes, war diary references etc. to corroborate anything in it. However his brief 3/19th London experience checks out with the medal rolls.

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I'd be interested on any Worcester connections in this book....

I'd be interested on any Worcester connections in this book....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Looks like I only have a photocopy of the chapters dealing with his time in the 19th Londons and not the book itself. However it says on p.47 that he was Etaples when he was transferred in April 1918 from the 19th to the 2nd Worcesters.

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Thanks, Charles.



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  • 1 month later...

I have a copy of The Bottom of the Barrel by FAJ "Tanky" Taylor and can confirm it covers the author's time in the 2nd Worcs from April 1918 to the Armistice. He joined the snipers section under a Sgt. Howard "Pincher" Hill MM and the book reminds me of Ian Hay's The First 100,000 in the way Taylor describes his time and those he served with. As already mentioned it's not referenced but there are plenty of recollections of places and people to help in research. There are also several photos, including the snipers section, though the quality of them is not great.

It's definitely worth keeping on your "list" particularly if you have an interest in the 2nd Worcesters.


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