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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Executed by the Germans


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To add to my comment about the bravery of the inhabitants of Le Villeret, they were removed en masse into captivity and the village was razed to the ground.

Cheer ho


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What a fascinating posting, I have read it twice.

Would there be any possibility of reading the whole report (only if you have it scanned) and be able to send it me by email at wpf1958@btinternet.com

No problems if it is too much work.

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I've not posted all of the file, as there is about 80 pages however, it is interesting reading and I feel it brings to light the position soldiers are placed in on the battlefield, wears one day they can kill the enemy but if they get captured and kill the enemy then they are executed, catch 22

It's the difference between a soldier 'doing his duty' by killing the enemy under orders and a non-combatant (a prisoner - or person otherwise hors de combat) killing of his own volition and not under direct orders, except those of his captives. Killing ones guard (or stealing from him) becomes a criminal offence and liable to whatever penalty the law allows.

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I think there is a book on the 4 soldiers shot mentioned in #6 called The Englishman's Daughter?

Yes by Ben Macintyre - think it is the same book under another name. I read "The Englishman's Daughter". The man who fathered the child was betrayed by the French and shot if I remember correctly.


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Thanks for the additional information, it is a fascinating story that is developing!

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