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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Hell’s Bells and Mademoiselles by Joe Maxwell VC


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Hi All,

If you aren't aware, Joe Maxwell's classic account "Hell’s Bells and Mademoiselles" has been reprinted.

I just started reading it and have to say it's a brilliant account of life in the 18th Battalion during World War 1.

This colourful memoir is a unique record of life as a World War One digger: Joe was in most of the major battles of the Western Front and graphically describes the action he saw, as well as the notorious larrikinism -and romantic adventures-of the off-duty diggers.

Glad it's been reprinted - it used to be a very hard book to find.

Available here: http://regimental-books.com.au/hell%E2%80%99s-bells-and-mademoiselles-18th-battalion-aif-reprint-p-2477.html


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  • 9 months later...

Just finished reading this ripping yarn myself. A really enjoyable read in which I found myself laughing out loud a couple of times. I seem to recall being told once, many moons ago, that Joe Maxwell's AIF career and exploits were personified by one of the main characters in the Aussie mini-series 'Anzacs'.

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