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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Cpl. B. Parkinson RE #43811


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I recently purchased a group belonging to Cpl. Parkinson of the Royal Engineers. I'm trying to figure out if there is a way to determine what Field Company he belonged to. I know he survived the war and he did receive the 1914-15 Star. Any and all help is greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance to anyone who can point me in the right direction.


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Guest Ian Bowbrick


The information will be detailed in his service record - if it has survived. Will be found under WO 363 or 364 at the National Archives in Kew.

If this has not survived as he received the 14/15 Star, his date of disembarktion should be written on his MIC. You can use this date to finds out which units left England using a file at the NA whose number escapes me for the moment. This may not give you the exact Coy but will narrow down the field a bit. Alternatively you may care to use Soldiers Died in the Graet War. Look for casualties with a similar number to his and see if there is any consistancy in the Units. If there is check the casualties MICs to see if they have the same date of disembarkation as your man.

One thing to consider is that with the number of trades in the REs, Cpl Parkinson may have been in a Signal Coy or a Tunnelling Coy or a Special Coy involved in Gas Warfare - see the mothersite for further details.


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