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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

the french side of it.


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Still reading about the French experience, two new ones; just finished this one " Under Seige" a collection of newspaper reports by American journalists living in Paris in 1914-19 observations on the war and its effect on the French, emotive and enlightening reading.

Next one to read, one from the Berg publishing stable ; "Men at War 1914-1918" National sentiment and trench journalism in France during the First World War.

We had the Wypers Times, the French Army had absolutely hundreds !! of trench newspapers, it is a subject in itself!! , rich and varied , just about every regiment had its own.

I have been interested in the Great War for 30 years of my 50 years and I never ceased to be amazed at how something new always turns up, how I will never know everything, even now with the internent and the growing range of books becomming available and with other nations putting their archives online, it would take another 20 or more years to learn even one half of what we should know of this vast all encompassing industrialised war.

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